Additional Information

  • Hobbyist Photographer
  • Around a year experience
  • I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
  • See message reply rate [?]

Shoots styles

Alternative, Beauty, Body Paint, Commercial, Cosplay, Dance, Fashion, Fitness, Glamour, Lifestyle, Lingerie, Portrait, Promotional, Remote, Sheer, Swimwear and Wedding



Hi, my name is Shashank, and I'm a fashion and fine art photographer with a unique background. Before pursuing my passion for photography, I was a skilled coder, working in the tech industry for several years.

Although I enjoyed my time in the tech industry, I always felt drawn to the arts. I was fascinated by the creative process and the ability to express oneself through different mediums. So, I decided to take a leap of faith and pursue my true passion for photography.

With my strong technical skills, I quickly excelled in the field, combining my love for technology with my creative vision to produce stunning images that seamlessly blend fashion and fine art. My work has been featured in numerous exhibitions and publications, showcasing my ability to capture the beauty and essence of my subjects.

In my work, I often incorporate elements of my past as a coder, experimenting with digital manipulation and editing techniques to create one-of-a-kind pieces that push the boundaries of traditional photography. My ability to seamlessly blend technology and art has earned me a reputation as one of the most innovative photographers in the industry.

Despite my success, I remain humble and dedicated to my craft, constantly pushing myself to learn and grow as an artist. I believe that the key to success is a willingness to take risks and constantly challenge oneself, and I encourage others to follow their passions and pursue their dreams, no matter how unconventional they may seem.

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