
Studio / Bathgate, West Lothian, United Kingdom. (Map)

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                                            Landmark Church in Bathgate is now available to rent for photographers!!
                                                                Hiring  Lobby and staircases £40/h   

                 Hiring  Studio (including lobby and staircases)  £70/h



        Our filming studio is based in St David's Church in the center of Bathgate.
This iconic church, built in 1904 by an award-winning architect in the center of
Bathgate J Graham Fairley's design won a bronze medal in 1920 at the Paris
International Exhibition.
As a part of the studio, you will have access to a beautiful entrance lobby and
staircase which lead straight onto the 1st floor where our studio is located. Currently,
we don't have any backdrops as we are using a green screen for filming, however,
we have much more to offer as the building itself has more value for photoshoots.
There will be two translucent umbrellas with two LED panels you can use. Also,
softboxes (Bowens mount) will be available if you bring your strobes or flash guns.

      We are open from 2pm till 8pm Monday- Sunday
For bookings give us a call 07519 995827 (Bathgate Cinema)
or mail us at [url removed]
   Please go to the reception desk at the Cinema.
Booking will be confirmed after payment is made.

Bank details:
Account Name: Universal Sounds (Abroath)
Sort code: 82-60-24
Account Number: 20103180

St Davids, George St
EH48 1PH



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