Additional Information

Stats and sizes

  • 36yr old Female model
  • Stats(in/USA) 30G-24-30
  • USA dress size 1
  • 5'4" tall
  • 126lbs
  • USA shoe size 5
  • Hazel eyes
  • Very long blonde hair
  • Olive skin
  • White ethnicity

Shoots styles

Alternative, Beauty, Commercial, Cosplay, Dance, Fashion, Fitness, Lifestyle, Pinup, Portrait, Promotional, Swimwear and Wedding



Hello all photographers! I did some TFP modelling when I lived in the uk. (Two shoots- new to modelling so if you think I have talent based on my very first pictures.. then I hope that you can see potential!! I will only improve and I take direction very well!) To add- although these photos are not old by any means; I have made some changes since they were taken, for the better in terms of my figure. So I have improved even more than my photos suggest- which I am very proud of! I have tightened up my figure and lost facial weight, this has the advantage of creating wonderful curves and also a huge confidence boost!

I would like to build a portfolio so that I can get started in the business as a professional. I really want to diversify my range- so any interesting and arty ideas are very welcome! I have many ideas of my own too; I am very creative myself!

In terms of body and sizing; I have now toned up my figure considerably from the last shoot I did (photos on here! So you can see yourself I wasn’t very big to start). (Chest waist and hips in inches are - 28/24/30, I weigh around 60kg/130lbs, dress size 8, 5ft 4 height, G chest) So I am quite petite and have lost the small bit of “soft” puppy fat- especially in the facial area! (As I worked so hard to make my figure more tight, I really would love some up to date pictures to reflect this!) I also now have long blonde hair and tattoos on my wrists and forearms (mostly writing and done elegantly, artfully, and very beautifully) and one small one on my hip, no piercings. I am Caucasian. I am adding these details as the site keeps changing my edits! 5ft 4, size 5/6 shoe. I also do not look my age in any way shape or form! Thanks to genetics I actually look more like 25 than 33! Again as you can see in my photos!

Trained in beauty therapy which is incredibly useful! So I can be tanned or not, any style/ length or colour of hair, and can do make up in quite a wide range- from girl next door to extreme arts styles. Nails too. I am very lucky that my appearance can be quite chameleon like and thus vary greatly... Facially I am essentially a blank slate for each project shoot- which I think is very helpful to photographers!

I have many ideas and I am very arty, down to earth, educated, friendly and creative. I therefore can take part in ideas of my own- you won’t struggle to get poses or ideas for shoots out of me! I don’t take myself too seriously, I take criticism well, as well as direction. It helps me grow as a person and a model. I am comfortable in my own skin, and who I am as a person.

My rules and expectations; I want to create a full profile/ portfolio with my up to date toned figure (I worked hard for it!) and my idea of the perfect portfolio is one where I have a diverse range of projects, with a very diverse range of looks. From different colour hair, different make up styles, and a wide wide range of projects that can show off what I am able to accomplish as a model in terms of diversity of looks/ poses/ styles of modelling. That is my idea here. So I can work with other creative people on many projects and bounce ideas off each other. I don’t want a portfolio full of glamour shots or nude shots. I would like to focus my attention to other things that I like about modelling, and my own visage and skills. So please don’t ask me for glamour shoots or nude shoots. I am not against a sexy picture- but I can be sexy whilst respecting my relationship and my own personal virtues. I would like to do time for print shoots until I am satisfied that my portfolio is full and diverse enough. So please do approach if you feel we would be a good match in terms of photographer and model. Of course I would jump at any chance of a paid shoot if it falls into these parameters and I am available! Also, on a first shoot if I haven’t met you before, I would like to bring a friend to ensure safety. This friend will not be in any manner intrusive- just there as support as I am sure you understand. And I thank you for this understanding. It wouldn’t interfere in any way with the shoot itself. If it is a paid shoot with a well known company of course this does not apply.

All ideas welcome! Let’s collaborate and get the creativity flowing- and make some beautiful shots!!

So that’s me; Nikki as a person- and as a fresh new model. How about you? Feel free to tell me about your ideas and yourself as we discuss projects and arrangements. I am very open to sharing ideas and I feel that if you can come to me with your ideas, and I can come to you with mine, then our shared photo shoot projects will take off! And then the sky is the limit! I am fun and very invested in this creative process, so please do feel free to be at ease with any ideas you have.

Any questions please mail me and ask. I am honest, genuine, and forthright, and like to be transparent in my interactions.

Much love and happy camera clicking!! Nikki



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