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References for Nicole Rayner

Nicole Rayner has 690 references; 689 recommended, 1 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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s. croll

Met Nicole for the first time today at a workshop with Jon Downs and had such a fun, fantastic day.

Nicole is beautiful, so full of fun, made me feel so welcome and at ease. I could go on and on.

I am very much a beginner in model photography and it was great to get her insight into ideas from her perspective.

The day just went by too quickly and every moment was brilliant.

I would obviously recommend Nicole without a seconds hesitation, an absolute star.

Thank you so much for all your help and hopefully we can work together again in the future.

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Nicole is my ideal model and this was my second shoot with her but I could shoot with her every day if only it was possible! I love her sense of humour, down-to-earth, friendly personality and her knowledge, experience and posing ability which is second to none. She is one of the few models I would book a whole day with and is just the best at art nude. It could really have been a disappointing day with rain set in without any breaks but she was game to at least try shooting on location even if we had to admit it was a bit crazy to continue after a while. She then set up a great studio session where I learnt a lot about lighting as well as getting an amazing range of gorgeous images of this incredibly beautiful lady. I cannot give any higher recommendation and it is just sheer pleasure to work with someone as committed, fun, professional and enthusiastic as Nicole. Thank you for a fantastic day!

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Andrew Priestly

We shot in a flat that Nicole was using as her base of operations for her Scottish tour. Nicole was ready when I arrived so we were able to get to work straight away, which is important on a short shoot. Nicole was easy to work with, and full of suggestions and had a nice variety of outfits with her. Nicole takes direction well, but doesn't really need it as she never seemed to run out of posing ideas. We shot a mixture of lifestyle, lingerie and art nude styles over a couple of hours and I'm very happy with the result. I'd be happy to shoot with Nicole again, which is as strong a reference as I can give.

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Rod Irvine

Really enjoyed shooting with Nicole, a pleasure to work with her.

She arrived promptly and was ready to shoot in no time. Nicole is chatty, friendly and very easy to get on with. She brings loads of energy and enthusiasm to a shoot, and is clearly very experienced and needs minimal direction. She contributes her own ideas and definitely makes it a collaborative effort. We covered a range of styles…headshots, classic & athletic art nude & boudoir in the studio, and natural light portraits outside and she nailed them all.

Definitely recommended.

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John McNairn

I had a great shoot with Nicole when she was up here on her Scottish tour, a sparkling personalty and a fun person. We started off with the idea of some studio work then heading to the beach but we never quite got to the beach, maybe next time. Anyways she was very patient when I was faffing about trying to get the lights correct for each scene, also open to different ideas and experimentation. A very professional model with fab posing ability and a joy to work with. Highly recommended to everyone

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Well, Nicole is everything everyone has said before and more. She came up to Aberdeen to model for a couple of our workshops. The first one involved a ridiculously early start to get midsummer dawn light on the shore (which in Aberdeen means up at 2.30am for a 3.30am start!) and the second, an evening shooting around the streets of Aberdeen.

As well as her professional approach to the modelling side, Nicole was also a bubbly and energetic fun person to be around - even at stupid o'clock in the morning after no sleep.

Not content with being a model model, she was also a model house guest and got on great with our resident pervert, Tsavo The Husky.

To cap it off, I went into the guest room this morning to strip the bed ready for our next visitor and Nicole had left a lovely "thank you" card.

Top model, top girl. I would definitely like to work with Nicole again :-)

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Nicole was great had a great time shooting on photo classic street fashion workshop which turned out to be a one to one session got some very Nice photos of the evening highly rated thanks again

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This was the first time I worked with Nicole and I know it won't be the last. Nicole is a lovely, fun person and very professional model. Even at 2.30 in the morning she found something to smile and laugh about, yes 2.30 am, we really did get her up then, for a dawn shoot on a mid summer morning.

It was so lovely to meet her and Nicole even left us a thank you card on the bed when she left, but its us that should thank you Nicole for being such a lovely person.

Looking forward to working with you again in the future.

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Marc Prior Photography

Ok first off I need to apologise for how late this reference is SORRY NICOLE!!

And secondly I have to admit that spending a day with Nicole ambling around her home town of York was still not enough time to fully appreciate the talent and versatility this young lady has to offer. Her knowledge of places to shoot around her city is astounding, not to mention York is a beautiful place!

We had this day booked in well in advance, which would be our 3rd shoot together, so coms were great, and we had a plan b set in place if the weather wasn't on our side as well. The weather for the day was warm and sunny, and so was the greeting from Nicole, even after she had come home from a gruelling days shooting the day before!

I had arrived a little earlier than expected, as traffic was light, so while Nicole put the finishing touches to her hair and make up together, we spoke about the plan and various points we could use... which was handy as I'd never been to York before. We also discussed using Nicole's photography palace for the 2nd half of the day too, as I'd had a few ideas spring to mind during the chat.

After a moment we set off and using some gorgeous gardens, the river path way and even a spur of the moment shoot with some birds of prey! The shoot was fun, relaxed and, as ever with Nicole modelling, very easy to get some lovely shots. After lunch we headed back to Nicole's flat, as the weather was turning a little drizzly, and this allowed us to get some interesting shots using mirrors and a lovely blue dress.

As always Nicole comes highly recommended by me for anyone of any experience. Thank you for a great days shooting! Looking forward to working with you again! Marc xxx

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I can't believe I haven't left a reference already - what have I been doing?

Nicole organised and ran a series of 4 Elements shoots at my studio, and I had the pleasure of shooting on each event. All had makeup provided by the very talented Dorota MUA as well. Nicole is just amazing, nothing is too much trouble (apart from when she has full body make-up on and needs feeding crisps) haha...... Nicole poses with consumate ease - it's almost impossible to keep up, but if you want to repeat a shot - bang - she is back in the pose before you can say please.....

The images being produced from the 4 events are simply stunning, down to a combination of the makeup and Nicole's modelling skills - simply stunning :)

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Dan Tidswell

Bloody hell, Nicole is an amazing model to work with. We shot for around 4 hours and I don't think I've ever had so many keepers from a single shoot! Her ability to move into a new pose with the click of shutter is astounding. On top of that she has the sort of fun and bubbly personality that makes the time fly by, it was all over way too soon :-(

If you get the chance to book this demon seize the opportunity with both hands and buy a bigger memory card for your camera, you will not regret it! 10/10

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Nicole sacrificed an early train home to accommodate me with the chance to work with her if only for a short time. Her wonderful character and professionalism shone through and even during the short time we had were able between us, to produce 4 different sets of images. Her posing is natural and she flows with the ideas as well as adding input of her own. Even though sufferong a little with a cold her bubbly character made this an extremely enjoyable time.

Highly recommended by me and hope to work again for longer next time. Thank you Nicole for a fantastic evening.

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Adam Richards

Nicole has been on my radar as someone to work with for months. Finally managed to get a slot at a studio day, and she absolutely delivered. Nicole worked like an absolute trooper despite not feeling 100% - great conversation and happy to try every idea and contributed ideas too. Would definitely recommend her to anyone needed a great model!!

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The Mad Hatter

What a great time with this beautiful woman on her model day at Joel Hicks Photographic. Nicole is a very talented model capable of producing quality work over a range of genres, works very hard and goes to great lengths to get you that image. Nicole was under the weather with a cold today but did not let that affect her dedication, wading into the lake a couple of times without complaint. She is a friendly character and we had a great chatter over the day and I would recommend her with great confidence to other photographers. Thank you Nicole, fabulous work.

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Travelled with Nicole two days through Ireland. I am not too often here on purplrport. But don't wanna forget to say that it was a pleasure for me to ride with her, find all these abondened houses, and shoot her. Hope it wasn't a torture for her to get driven through a marthyrum of less sleep and much driving. But made her very well looking in her role on this play. You can find some images here eg > https://500px.com/photo/210823937/killing-the-past-and-coming-back-to-life-by-jan-gaeth?ctx_page=1&from=user&user_id=21135277 . So thanks again. Stay well. Move on! Bout future there's only one thing known: You always meet twice a lifetime. :)

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Gregory Mason

Wonderful shoot with Nicole on Sunday, probably the smoothest I have had this year in terms of communication to the shoot itself, straightforward from the beginning to the end. The shoot itself went well as we progressed through various sets and looks with me having to discipline myself not to keep taking images as Nicole posed effortlessly with very little direction from me. Looking through the images I have my work cut out culling the various sets, a big thumbs up from me and I hope to work with her again in the future.

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Simes Himself

Well...I finally got to work with this fabulous lady! After hearing so many good things about her from people that I know, it really seemed like a no-brainer to see if she'd possibly like to create some awesome images. Always one to not be afraid of booking months ahead, I dropped Nicole a line possibly with my best sales pitch EVER...and luckily for me she enthusiastically agreed! It turned out she later told me it was the best introductory message from anyone she'd ever received. Brownie points, there!

Our pre-shoot comms were always regular, upbeat and quite honestly made me wish our shoot was sooner than I'd actually booked it for. It's always nice to have a bit of a rapport with someone, and Nicole's personality really came over in her messages. It really makes you feel good to know that someone is excited to work with you, so I was practically counting the days until our shoot!

Our shoot day arrived, and Hurricane Rayner blew into town! In person, Nicole looked absolutely phenomenal and was just as lovely in person as she was via messages...maybe even more so! We were a little early for our studio booking, so I offered to get us both a coffee...and literally within 5 minutes we were chatting away like we'd known each other for years!

Our shoot was a tough one to plan for, as neither of us had shot at this studio before. However, as I'm always one to improvise or shoot spontaneously, we began bouncing ideas off of each other and eventually ended up with SO many sets of shots! What I really appreciated about Nicole is her input and her honest opinion. I tend to know when shots aren't working and when to change things, and I really want the model to be 100% happy with the end result. Luckily we had that honesty throughout our shoot, which was really appreciated! It was a true collaboration!

Throughout our shoot there was always great conversation, and she showed a clear passion for what she does. Not to mention she has an infectious personality! It honestly was one of the best afternoons I'd spent shooting in quite a while.


I can't recommend Nicole highly enough!! I've NEVER booked another shoot straight-away at the end of a first one with any model before, but all that has changed...and our next shoot is already booked! Due to both our schedules being fairly busy it won't be for a few months yet, but it's going to be something to look forward to! I hope also, as she has said, that I can meet up with Nicole on her travels before we shoot again though as I think she's just a truly wonderful person and I'm very fortunate to have friends like that. :)

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Chris Goodall

Had a great shoot with Nicole through the lighting masterclass with Richard Egan. As a model Nicole is brilliant she has an easy going attitude and great chemistry with Richard which made the class easy to get into.

Her range of poses are also amazing, from the headshots through to the flexible bodyscape style stuff she was perfect. This was during the last class of the day too.

I would recommend both the lighting class and Nicole as a model to anyone looking to improve their photography without hesitation.

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Mark Searle Photography

Wow, what an amazing young lady to work with.

Having spent this afternoon at a lighting masterclass with Richard Egan, and with Nicole as the model, I can only say that she was amazing. Enthusiastic, cheerful, funny and really helpful with loads of feedback, she can also be found behind the camera so knows what's needed from both models and photographers point of view. Working with two photographers she managed to vary poses so that we both came away with different images.

The only possible problem was actually stopping her, she clearly loves what she does, and has a contagious enthusiasm.

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I worked in Nicole's and Richard Egan's studio lighting masterclass! She was a definite pleasure to work with. Nicole was an excellent poser and can pose freely or take direction. She is also wise in regards to photography and lighting. Richard and Nicole were very professional and very easy to work with. I highly recommend taking the class and working with Nicole. I look forward to working with her in the future.

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