

Model / Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan, The, United Kingdom. (Map)

Joined 1615757042

Additional Information

Stats and sizes

  • 23yr old Male model
  • 32in waist
  • 38in chest
  • 6'2" tall
  • 167lbs
  • USA shoe size 12
  • Green eyes
  • Shoulder length black hair
  • Olive skin
  • White ethnicity

Shoots styles

Alternative, Commercial, Fashion, Lifestyle and Topless



Heya everyone! My names Morgan and welcome to my portfolio, my main reason why I'm wanting to do modeling is for a project that I'm hoping will go far.

This project is something I'd like to call the 'Alternative-Modern' so dispite that I like wearing spikes, chains, black and white make up and other kinds of alternative clothing I still like wearing suits, I still like looking formal and ready for a job interview.

This is a very a strong topic of mine and to a lot of people who are heavily alternative, so to those that have loads of tattoos or piercings I find that we do these this for self expretion, we do these things because it makes us feel good, it makes the feel happy within ourselves.

(we can also do these things that are related to our depression, anxiety or even if with struggled with PTSD, we do these things to be benefit who we are mentally and physically, even it its to remember someone by this is still apparently not suitable).

Yet we still get shut down for the job we're passionate about, or even trying to get so we can support ourselves and to keep a roof over our heads.

We should feel like we can walk into a job interview looking presentable (with a suit or other types of presentable clothing) dispute the tattoos or piercing we have we shouldn't be judged apone looks, we should be judged apone the qualifications we have and the experience we have gone through.

I'd like everyone to take a second and to think of it in this kind of situation.

So if someone who's heavily tattooed and pierced walks into a job interview, looks presentable and gets declined because they have a rose that takes up the 1/3 of there face to remember there daughter by who passed away from an illness

(which in this case is self expression to make them feel a bit better),

and they have all of the qualifications and experiences to be able to take this job, the interviewer tells them "you'd look bad on our company".

They then take that other person who's hardly as experienced or as qualified and doesn't even look presentable as the heavily pierced and tattooed person, that personally makes hardly any sense to me because if you want your business to function and to go at a reasonable rate then you'd want the best of the best, which would be that heavily tattooed and pierced person which is mind boggling to me.

(went on a bit of a rant there)

I hope you get my point that everyone should be excepted for who they are dispite the way they look, as long as they show you they're trying to be suitable, formal and they clearly have the experiences as well as qualifications for it then I see no issue.



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