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References for MaZphoto

MaZphoto has 1 references; 1 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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I shot with Marc for the first time recently. His communication was great and clearly had lots of ideas he wanted to try out so I was pleased and excited !

He meet me at the station and was very friendly and smiley as soon as he arrived and drove us to the studio where we where working. It was great place to shoot with lots of dishevelled rooms up stairs in a big attic area as well as the set up studio. There was lots of sunshine that day too which meant we could also shoot at a lovely outside venue too. This was followed by a delightful lunch too which I very much enjoyed and we got to chat some more too. After it was back to the studio and we stayed outside to do a street shoot which was amazing fun working around passing cars and people.....fortunately consequence was avoided lol..... Back up stairs to the studio to explore some more ideas in the loft. Marc had some interesting content he wanted to create so experimenting with this was fantastic and I loved the room he gave me for feed back and experimenting to aim for the best images. I ended up working an extra hour and he even took me all the way back to where I was staying which meant we could have more fun chats on route. All in all a fab days work and would happily work with Marc again.....lovely light hearted chap and good company !

Shot 1725753600