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Smudge Spirits

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Smudge Spirits / Photography by Rare Earth Gallery / Uploaded 17th December 2021 @ 03:12 AM
Photography by: Rare Earth GalleryGroups: (Invite) None

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Even though smudging is most commonly known as a Native American practice, from the beginning of time every culture on the planet has had some form of sacred smoke, even Christians walking up and down their isles with canisters of incense of Frankincense and Myrrh. This is just another sample of commonality between religious belief where no one religion has the right to claim superiority over any other or person.

The concept of smudging or sacred smoke is not just only a spiritual cleansing, but also is very aroma therapeutic and physically healing. Sacred smoke has also produced relaxing actions of the body for meditation uses. And yes some smokes for meditation use can be narcotic or hallucinogenic in helping separate the mind from the body in vision quest and Astral Projection. A stimulus for mind, body, spirit transformations.

White sage will always be a classic for smudging practices, but in reality it is going to depend upon what tribe or culture you talk to as to what they use. There are 25 different species of sage, and 5 different species of sage brush which are related to the Mugwart family. In reality any herbal or plant product that burns will be used. Cedar branches, Juniper branches, barks, roots, resins and copal’s and a wide range of incenses and even Dragons Blood that is a resin from a plant from India will be used. My favorite is Sweet Grass. Sweet Grass is usually used as a self spiritual cleaner rather than for areas or objects.

Essential oils and aroma therapy can also bring this positive energy to things and heal. Sage oil is one of the main ingrediances to a product called Thieves that has a history during the time of the plagues where it not only hindered the smell of death, but killed bacteria. The burning of Frankincense and Myrrh is the same and Frankincense is now known to have cancer healing properties.

It is impossible to accurately determine where the first incense originated from because sacred smoke can be traced back as far as 50,000 years ago in some of the pre human burial sites and caves. Hindu and Eastern Philosophy have used sacred smoke for thousands of years.

But how does smoke spiritually cleanse an area, object or person? This relates to any other ritual tools by any culture ranging from Pendulums, Dowsing Rods, Crystal work, magick wands or candle magick. You have to truly know what that spiritual energy is within yourself in order to make it work, in which case most religions today do not define. Maybe it is time for you to learn how the power of emotions can change the way ice crystals form.

Just like everything in the Universe resonates at a specific frequency so does your spiritual Aura Energy and learning how to project that energy into anything you do. Just like when light enters a room, no amount of darkness can take it away. So is it with sacred smoke that can bring a positive good feeling to everything it touches by projecting your light into that smoke. Sacred Smoke, just like your Aura and Chakra energies can change from day to day, hour by hour, and minute to minute. They are numerous energies and frequencies creating a harmonic that is unique to you. They will change based upon you physical states, your mental states, your emotional states and environmental surroundings and everything down to your DNA levels. This is why scientist cannot repeat ably prove physic abilities. Maybe it is time for you to learn what your Aura Orgone Energy DNA Signature is all about.

There are a lot of books on Crystal work and healing that to me are great guidelines but for example I do not believe in Amethyst as being the overall healing stone. This is because you can put 10 pieces of Amethyst in front of you, but you are only going to connect or resonate with one of them. Are you dealing with negative energy or positive energy? You will need to learn how to push pull those negative ions within Nature.

Sacred smoke is no different, so it will be good for you to try numerous types of sacred smoke out to find out which works best for you and what smoke you resonate with. Once you find that then it does not matter what it touches, other people will be able to feel that positive energy you project. This is also where the statement from Harry Potter came from where the wand chooses the wizard, the wizard does not choose the wand. That applies to everything you touch in life where emotions of good and bad, light and dark can apply where even you consider some objects as bad luck or good luck charms.

Your Aura can change color and get brighter during or after a smudging process. The same goes for being Skyclad in Nature. Just by removing your clothes and grounding with Nature will amplify your Aura. These processes are measurable through MRI scans and the changing of brainwave activity through your neural networks. So where is your concept of Magick Now?