Lottie Angel Reflective


Hair Stylist / St Austell, Cornwall, United Kingdom. (Map)

Joined 1580469728

Additional Information

  • Part time Hair Stylist
  • More than 5 years experience
  • I work for pay only
  • I can travel or work from home
  • See message reply rate [?]

Shoots styles

Beauty, Commercial, Dance, Lifestyle, Pinup, Promotional and Wedding



Hello there, each one of you beautiful ladies, and creatively known individuals, of course!

My name is Lottie Angel Reflective! I am a dedicated hairstylist specializing within hair UPdo's - This is my passionate goal and soul inspirations! To always, helping you to feel empowered by your events, and of course, guide you and expect beautiful tresses!

SO.. I attend events like photo shoots, catwalk & fashion shows, beauty pageants, prom evenings, so forth. I work well within a team, and often attract a positive crowd ~ This might indeed be you! I am obsessed within my passions of pursuits!

Please remember to contact me through messenger service, you might indeed find me over on my Instagram page! Lets get connected & collaborate!

Thank you xXoo



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