Additional Information

  • Part time Model
  • More than 3 years experience
  • I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
  • I can travel or work from home
  • See message reply rate [?]

Stats and sizes

  • 37yr old Male model
  • 34in waist
  • 42in chest
  • 6'5" tall
  • 182lbs
  • USA shoe size 13
  • Blue eyes
  • Medium light brown hair
  • White skin
  • White ethnicity

Shoots styles

Alternative, Body Paint, Fashion, Portrait, Topless and Wedding



35yo model with over 5 years experience, recently moved to Reading from leeds and looking for some new photographers to work with, insta @[url removed]o

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Lee Mulholland has 7 followers and is following 17 people.