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References for LeahMeraki

LeahMeraki has 841 references; 840 recommended, 0 not recommended, 1 late cancellation and 0 no-shows.

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Flair Photographic

This was my second shoot with the lovely Leah, this time in three different countryside locations. As always it was a relaxed, friendly and thoroughly professional experience from initial communication through to the end of the shoot. Leah poses with ease and moves effortlessly from one motif to the next in a confident manner, so little direction is ever needed. A delightful way to spend a summer afternoon and I am very pleased with the resulting images which will be posted soon. Thank you, Leah.

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Just had a very enjoyable first shoot with the delightful Leah Meraki.

Leah contacted me a few weeks ago to enquire whether I would be interested in arranging a shoot with her. Leah's pre shoot comms are excellent and despite the usual sat nav issues travelling to my part of the world, Leah arrived very relaxed with a bag full of outfits that we had previously discussed.

Leah is an experienced, professional model and is very comfortable in front of the camera. Leah works effortlessly, she knows which poses work and adds her own input to ensure that the shoot is a success. Leah needs very little, if any direction, but is very receptive to any direction given.

Leah is a very personable, fun & easy person to work with and I am very much looking forward to working with Leah again in the near future.

I have no hesitation in recommending Leah to other photographers.

Thank you Leah.

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Steve Peet Photography

My first time shooting with Leah and I can say it was a pleasure. She arrived on time and was prepared with her makeup all done and a bagful of outfits for us to use. I had a fluid plan for the shoot as the weather had been unpredictable but she was prepared for any scenario. We decided to shoot outdoors and then a few in the studio later. She was at ease with both options. A true professional! We tried quite a few ideas out and the results look great.

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Leah was one of the models for a recent UV and rope shoot organised by the wonderful @makeupbyzmo. We did a lot of very different and varied stuff, but achieved some superb results. Leah as always was a total delight to work with, and I'm sure we'll be working on another crazy project soon :)

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Leah is fabulous! She is very easy to work with and a lot of fun to be with. Rain stopped play on our shoot, but it was great anyway! Leah is capable, poses well and is a pleasure to work with. Looking forward to our next shoot together

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JS Photos

I had my first shoot with Leah yesterday. we had made the booking around Christmas time!

Leah drove to me from her home on a horrible weather day with heavy rain and traffic hold ups. I had booked Leah for a four hour shoot and had planned to do some outdoor work but the weather put a stop to that. That gave us more time to shoot at my home and I had some ideas that Leah was happy to execute for me, she also contributed with many ideas she had.

Leah brought lots of clothing with for me to choose from and I had some for Leah to do likewise, so we had a very successful day.

During the course of our shoot we chatted a lot and had several breaks, which helped both of us to relax.

I hope to make a booking with Leah again and I throughly recommend this highly professional model to all photographers

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Photographer Gino Cinganelli

I just love leah on our team. This shoot was a challenge for all of us. we had to be on the beach (some hour and a halfs drive for Leah) at 4am to catch a golden sunrise. The weather was perfect and all run like clockwork. Leah was fantastic in a silver space style suit and a bikini. Glad she doe not hate me to much for asking her to go in the sea pre-five am.

Thank you so much for everything you are amazing. till the next one.

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I have worked with Leah before and it was a pleasure to do so again on a space themed photoshoot. What a star! She was on the beach at 4 a.m. and looked stunning as usual in spite of going into the sea and wearing a bikini for part of the time. Myself and a few others arrived a couple of hours after Leah but she was still smiling, energetic and professional. Leah is a great model/actress who played her role well and is a lovely member of a team. Highly recommended!

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Bob The Plumber

Worked with Leah on a space themed shoot. The shoot was on the coast at the crack of sparrows, when I arrived Leah was already there and playing her part beautifully. It is always fun working with Leah, she is a very good model and actress, so professional, but also a really nice person. Hope we get to work together soon.

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Roker Photography

Really fun shoot with Leah today on a slightly cold windy summers day - but that didn't stop her great attitude! Great communication before the shoot and Leah came really well prepared. Hopefully get to shoot with Leah again in the future!

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Second shoot with Leah, highly recommended, bright, bubbly model, will work again as soon as can

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Rich G

A star! Turned up for a beach shoot at 5am on a Sunday morning and posed in and out of the water in just a bikini for over an hour without even a hint of complaint. Throw in the fact that Leah is a sweet and beautiful person, then getting up in the dark at 3.30am was more than justified.

Thanks Leah xx

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My Fantasy .space

Had a fun last minute shoot with Leah who made a great effort to get to me regardless of the M25. She has had an unexpected work out which tested her a bit but she managed it well and we got some great shots.

Thanks Leah I enjoyed it.

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Our first contact was this morning and after a couple of emails between us a shoot was arranged at Fareham Studio later in the day.

I had no time to plan, but as soon as we got together it was like we had known each other for ages and the shoot flowed perfectly from one style and costume change to the next.

It was an amazing couple of hours, and I came away with a fantastic set of photos and having a great time in the process. Leah was great company and an absolute pleasure to shoot. She far exceeded my expectations with this last minute shoot.

I would definitely want a second shoot and hopefully that will be sooner rather than later.

Thank you so much Leah, it was a pleasure to meet you.

Definitely recommend

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Shaun Solent

I met and worked with LeahMeraki for the first time this week. Firstly, this lady is really beautiful. Secondly, we had a ton of fun !

I showed Leah around my studio, looked at what she had brought along and made her a cuppa. We chatted about levels and the shoot objectives - I just loved Leah's maturity and her down to earth demeanour. I knew that this was someone I would be able to create with and that our images were going to be good.

We agreed four sets and the images started popping. We both worked hard - I got up and adjusted lights, even minutely, if that is what was required. Leah gave me those beautiful poses of hers, listened to my shouted fine-tuning instructions and stretched every fibre in her body to breaking point.

I have just worked our images - many are really good.

LeahMeraki delivers - book her.

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Stephanie Andrea Sceal

Leah is a fabulous model, creative, receptive and really easy to get on with. I have done several shoots with Leah, Jack The Ripper, Latex and most recently The Suicide Squad which is arranged and organised by herself. The project was undertaken in a very professional way she was organised and very considerate to all parties, it was great fun and very successful. Leah can carry off many styles, sophisticated , fun, serious and seductive. She also plays a great victim as in our Jack the Ripper shoot and will have a go at anything. I am really looking forward to working with her again in July on my enchanted shoot.

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Leah cam back for a second time to my latest underwater shoot.

As fully expected, she was much more comfortable in the water and was able to deliver superb poses.

Great Model, very reliable and totally professional - very highly recommended

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There are nothing but good things to say about Leah, so professional, so creative and able to tackle just about anything.

This time we looked at fashion, art nude and shibari, so just a regular day!

Leah is a superb and versatile model and I highly recommend her

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Photographer Gino Cinganelli

Leah was on a shoot in Woolwich SE London. I invited her to come and look at our 200 year old derelict building we had got hold of for the day. Yup it turned into a shoot. we then went off to a rapeseed field to catch a sunset.

Its always a pleasure working with leah she is wonderful

see you soon

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Dave Belsham

Two shoots in one day with Leah this time, both arranged at very short notice. They took place in two very different locations. The first was in a derelict house and the second was in a field of rapeseed at sunset.

Leah was completely unfazed and delivered a great range of poses appropriate to each set.

It's always a pleasure to work with Leah and this time was no exception.

Highly recommended.

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