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References for Kinkyyy.com

Kinkyyy.com has 2 references; 2 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Q is a fantastic photographer and lovely person to work with. Coordinating the shoot with him was very smooth from start to finish. He’s got great Technical skills and made me feel very comfortable.

I look forward to working with him again soon!

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Harleigh Slaughter

Yesterdays shoot was awesome! Quentin was happy for me to drag him around to multiple locations i had in mind (all a bit weird but he made them work in wondrous ways)

We got hundreds of incredible shots and I have no idea how we'll narrow them down. If you get the chance to shoot with him then you must! Incredible talent and a genuinely lovely guy which makes the shoot that much better.

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