

Photographer / Bethersden, Kent, United Kingdom. (Map)

Joined 1323558167

Additional Information

  • Hobbyist Photographer
  • More than 16 years experience
  • I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
  • I can travel or work from home
  • See message reply rate [?]

Shoots styles

Adult, Alternative, Erotic, Fitness, Landscape, Lingerie, Nude, Portrait, Sheer, Swimwear and Topless



Photography is my hobby and passion. I use it as a way to relax and unwind from life. 

I love meeting and working with models and capturing some natural images of them.

I’m friendly, courteous and approachable and like to think my shoots while professional are fun and enjoyable.

I shoot from clothed upto Adult images but my favourite levels are art and figure nude and this is where I concentrate my work on. 

I cover reasonable travel costs as well as your hourly rates. I don’t tend to shoot TFP etc.

I tend to concentrate on capturing the female form but I’m also happy to work with male models. 

I have secluded and private outdoor locations and this is where I prefer to shoot as I like capturing people in the natural landscape.

I always feel this is a collaboration between model and photographer so always welcome your input into a shoot. I aim for natural unstated poses, so for this reason I don’t really plan my shoots. I let them make their own organic path

I also model so work and have an understanding of being both sides of the camera.

If you’re lucky enough to look under 21 please don’t be offended if I ask to see some photo Id. 




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