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References for Kate Kata Purt

Kate Kata Purt has 1 references; 1 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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What is there to say about Kata,

I first met her in 2018 when I came to Budapest, she was the definition of professional and attentive as well as being very warm and welcoming. We have stayed in touch ever since and worked together many times.

I have used Kata not only as a model but also employed her in her production manager role and she has helped me with locations, make-up artists and models. No task is too much for Kata and she always gives 100%. I have had the pleasure of working with some of the best models across Europe, but Kata is the one I am glad I found the most for all the additional help she has given me over the years.

Thank you Kata

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