Home » Jack_Walsh » There's one thing in this world that makes me feel more alive. And that's you. CollectShare image URLRequest to be taggedInvite/add to one of your groupsSee more from the people in this imageReport this imageThere's one thing in this world that makes me feel more alive. And that's you.Photography by: Ian MModels: Blackswann_Modelportfolio, Jack_WalshPost processing by: Jack_WalshStylist: Blackswann_Modelportfolio, Jack_WalshTaken at: Studio3M65Keyword tags: cinematic, comics, cosplay, costume, daredevil, duo, elektra cosplay, light, male, Marvel, mood, shadows, studio, superhero, swordAlbums: Daredevil, Duo Shoot - BlackswannGroups: (Invite) NoneAdd your comment...17 people love this!Added 1652806556 by Jack_Walsh.Duo inspired Daredevil & Elektra shoot with Blackswann