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References for JabariKing

JabariKing has 1 references; 1 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Jabari arrived after enduring 'the journey from hell' and was still totally enthusiastic and keen. He gave 100% commitment to our shoot from the very first and never flagged at all, being just as positive at the end as at the beginning.

He is an ideal fashion model, being tall and really slender and has a face the camera absolutely loves. His looks are really distinctive and it was a real pleasure to see some terrific shots on the back of the camera as the shoot progressed - whether darkly-lit from the side or with hi-key lighting, this man was simply lovely. Certainly, he's the best model I've shot with for a considerable time.

Whatever emotion I hoped for him to convey - moody, sensuous, serious, elegant, happy - he did them all with natural conviction.

Although we managed a good range of sets, I was left with the feeling that I'd only scratched the surface. I want to shoot with him again. There is so much more to achieve.

A great day, well-spent in excellent company with some extremely worthwhile images resulting.

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