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References for Iren Zi

Iren Zi has 4 references; 4 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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I worked for the first time with Iren Zi. Everything was super! The booking went perfect and the shooting was great. She is a very nice lady and she is easy going. She is beautiful and the grooming was fine, so I can certainly recommend her to other photographers or videomakers!

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I've had my first photoshoot with Iren. Pre-shoot communication was very clear and to the point. She is a professional and open-minded model. Knows her poses very well and easy to work with. I can only highly recommend Iren to other photographers.

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Iren is a nice person to work with. Experienced and focus. Comes with ideas & great poses. We made what I had in mind and more.

Thanks Iren, well done!

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Had a wonderful shoooting with Iren and Tanya, a friend of hers! First a duo, and then one-by-one... Irene in particular, even if she is not fluent in English -her friend acted as her interpeter- has a real talent for posing, and shows elegance and naturality even in the most "risky" poses. Besides, she is really cooperative, friendly, and patient... I definitely recommend her as a model!

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