Home » ImageMaxxx » Tether your heart, unleash your soul CollectShare image URLRequest to be taggedInvite/add to one of your groupsSee more from the people in this imageReport this imageTether your heart, unleash your soulImage is filtered for work safety. Show image...Photography by: ImageMaxxxModel: AngelheartPost processing by: ImageMaxxxStylist: AngelheartTaken at: SubterraneaKeyword tags: alternative, Black, collar, dark, faux fur, lingerie, lips, lust, mask, mature, raven haired beauty, strobes, sub, tattooGroups: (Invite) NoneAdd your comment...14 people love this!Added 1683290548 by ImageMaxxx.From a shoot with Angelheart©ImageMaxxx 2023 www.imagemaxxx.com