Additional Information
- Hobbyist Photographer
- More than 4 years experience
- I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
- See message reply rate [?]
Shoots styles
Commercial, Fashion, Fitness, Glamour, Landscape, Lifestyle, Lingerie, Nude, Portrait, Promotional, Topless and Wedding
In Spanish
Mi seudónimo en fotografía es Ich Ochel Mexikoo está en idioma maya significa aproximadamente "Ojo mirando a México"
Comence en la fotografía por afición y ahora lo estoy llevando a terreno profesional, como retratista y paisajista, principalmente.
My pseudonym in photography is Ich Ochel Mexikoo is in Mayan language means approximately "Eye looking at Mexico"
I started in photography by hobby and now I am taking it to professional field, as a portraitist and landscape artist, mainly.
Ich Ochel Mexikoo has 2 followers and is following 5 people.