Artist/Painter / Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, United States. (Map)
Joined 1732270008
Additional Information
- Hobbyist Artist/Painter
- Only recently started creating artwork
- I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
- See message reply rate [?]
Shoots styles
Beauty, Cosplay, Dance, Erotic, Fashion, Landscape, Life Drawing, Nude, Portrait and Topless
Hello, my IG tag is GerardEPowell
https://[url removed] [link removed]
My name is Gerard.
I am a traditionally trained artist with realism and stylized capability in many media types.
looking to move from studies头符合Art (你太苏惹翁泓阳没有keyboard)
I wish to explore subjects of Greek, Hindu, and Asian mythology, as well as occult symbology, early writings like Sanskrit and visual elements of prehistory.
Additionally I would like to do a series depicting petite / slim, and or athletic build Asian models with a focus of sexually attractive, spiritual, and growing intellectual。Representing the taboo and public contradictions around youth beauty as well as shame around attraction 头 特恩爱你的有那个20‘是。
preferably looking 头exhibit th is work in solo 首位,孙毛茸茸25,and Art Basil2025。
perhaps also some fantasy 饭Art for world of warcraft theme。
I have a home art studio as well as an open living room for drawing and photography.
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