Home » figurestock » A mystery man in a suit holding a gun - shot from eye level. CollectShare image URLRequest to be taggedInvite/add to one of your groupsSee more from the people in this imageReport this imageA mystery man in a suit holding a gun - shot from eye level.Photography by: figurestockKeyword tags: agent, ahead, assassin, atmospheric, away, back, behind, Black, case, CIA, cold, confident, cop, crime, detective, double, escape, eye, fbi, fiction, From, Gangster, gun, hit, Holding, hunted, investigator, james bond, killer, last, level, male, mi6, mission, modern, moody, mystery, pistol, police, prime, revenge, secret, security, shirt, silhouette, spy, stalker, standing, Stranger, strong, suit, Suspect, terrorist, thriller, thug, tough, view, villain, waiting, walking, watching, weapon, white, youngGroups: (Invite) NoneAdd your comment...1 person loves this!Added 1699185518 by figurestock.A mystery man in a suit holding a gun - shot from eye level.