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Shoots styles

Beauty, Fashion, Glamour, Lifestyle, Lingerie, Nude, Pinup, Portrait, Promotional and Wedding



Creating magic and seeing through new eyes the world and people around us.

A favourite quote:

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” ~ Michelangelo.

Francois Cloete embarked on his photographic journey at the age of 7 when he sold silkworms to students in a quest to get enough money to buy a tiny camera that his eyes fell upon in a store on Die Bult in Potchefstroom.  The store no longer exists but through the years his love of photography continued to grow.  Over the years he always had some form of camera around or nearby but it was in 2001 that he bought his first digital camera and he has been in love with the opportunities afforded by digital photography ever since.

Photography is not a career, it is a journey towards an increasing knowledge about the shades of grey as light reflects and shapes the world around us.  It affords one the ability to open one’s eyes to see vistas that are diverse, ranging from painful and sorrow scenes to elated moments of the utmost joy.

Francois is easily distracted by the world around him and every day is an opportunity to witness the playful world being caressed by the rays of the sun or some other form of light ranging from the harsh spotlights to the tender softness that touches the face and cheeks of a young girl in a tender way just like a butterfly that tentatively touches the first flowers of spring.

He enjoys working with people on a daily basis and his photographic interests range across a wide field as can be witnessed from his extensive portfolio on this website.  Based in the leafy suburb of Queenswood, Pretoria where he has his studio but able to travel throughout Gauteng and the rest of the world.

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