Home » Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley » Once he takes your soul... there is no turning back... CollectCollections (1)Share image URLRequest to be taggedInvite/add to one of your groupsSee more from the people in this imageReport this imageOnce he takes your soul... there is no turning back...Photography by: Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by AlleyMakeup by: Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by AlleyPost processing by: Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by AlleyStylist: Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by AlleyTaken at: PoZersPhotographyHair styling by: Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by AlleyDesigner: Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by AlleyKeyword tags: confusion, eyes, horror, manipulation, mist, portrait, possession, red, satanicAlbums: Horror Portraiture Groups: (Invite) NoneAdd your comment...8 people love this!Added 1513541300 by Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley.The final image in a series of five portraying the demonic possession by Satan....