Home » Eve Wild » Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor / Photography by Adam Bullingham, Model Eve Wild / Uploaded 27th June 2018 @ 03:22 PM
Photography by: Adam BullinghamModel: Eve WildKeyword tags: apocalypse, survivalGroups: (Invite) None

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Added 1530112948 by Eve Wild.

Exhausted, beaten and fighting for life, she has lost it all. All her loved ones gone, only decay laying waste to what’s left of the land. No allies, no hope, no purpose, she has lost all ability to carry on. Laying on the tracks, waiting, hours drift by as if they were days…there’s nothing, she’s nothing and it must all end soon.

Voices heard in the distance, she alights from the rail line, senses suddenly heightened from her stupor she hides and waits. If she’s to meet her end it will not be at the hands of perverse mutated men eager for the feel and taste of flesh at any cost. The horror of before plays seemingly like an old movie in her mind, her reality moving to the front of her focus and all that has transpired seems like nothing more than a game in comparison to what this nefarious bastard will do if they find her.

They draw closer and she can smell their dirt infested skin, she takes in a breath, almost preying that they cannot sense her too, their hunger only manifesting at a greater rate than hers due to a noticeable lack of control.

Before, it all happened they were only deemed civilised because of the society that controlled them. Among the darkness, within the alley their proclivities took hold, overtaking their minds and forfeiting any likelihood of self-control. Even then, they were beyond dangerous. Now, they’re simply savages starving for blood and their own concept of fun - fuelled by relentless withdrawal.

Closer now, she sees them, the sweat dripping from their demented twisted expressions covered in a layer of dark dried blood, a shade almost black. Their eyes piercing, their noses searching the air…they know she’s here.

Crouching, she withdraws her blade, holding position, her torn muscles begin to shred again, the infected wound on her chest riving in agony. She gulps to withhold tears and pathetic whimpering and they’re drawing closer, she must withdraw her emotions and ready herself…

Drawing in, she prepares and takes in one final deep breath, there is no one to help her, nothing can come to her defence - it’s just her and the blade.

Courage rising, posed and ready, she will fight…She’s after all ‘The Lone Survivor’.