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References for Emilia J Model

Emilia J Model has 3 references; 3 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Phox Photography

I shot with Emilia for the first time today. Pre-comms was a breeze and we quickly organised a shoot at a local coastal town. It was an exceptionally early start and Emilia was there on time and ready to shoot.

Emilia brought a range of outfits, each in line with our mood board.

Amelia has a great range of experience in the arts, not just as a model and brings that experience to the shoot. Poses with ease and full of suggestions.

Will definitely be shooting again this summer.

Highly recommended!!!!

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Had a really good shoot with Emilia, and produced some cracking shots so I'm very happy. Communications were good beforehand and she posed and performed professionally throughout, her outfits were spot on to what I had requested and her hair was superb. No hesitation in recommending her to other photographers.

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Emilia’s communication was great, replies very quickly, professional, polite and engaging.

Arrived early, had an extremely professional approach, yet great fun!

An absolutely stunning model, with an outstanding work ethic, drifts effortless into incredible poses and yes, Emilia's beautiful red hair brings that something extra to the image!!

Emilia is fantastic to work with and I whole heartedly, highly recommend!!!

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