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  • Full time Designer
  • Around a year experience
  • I work for pay only
  • I can travel or work from home and have my own transport
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Shoots styles

Commercial and Fashion



Our streetwear collection is tailored to meet the needs of riders who require a versatile wardrobe that transitions effortlessly from the street to the bike. We have crafted a range that fuses style with function, using high-quality materials and a design ethos that prioritises comfort, durability and panache. Our assortment encompasses jackets, hoodies, t-shirts and accessories that are tailored to the unique demands of riders, featuring pockets, zips and breathable fabrics that ensure maximum comfort whilst on the road.

At Collective, we firmly believe in the power of community and group empowerment. Our brand is built on the foundations of celebrating the collective while empowering individuals. Our objective is to create a haven where riders feel united and motivated, while also offering them the resources and tools required to attain their personal goals.

Our streetwear collection exemplifies how we bring this philosophy to fruition. Each piece is meticulously designed to be versatile and functional, allowing riders to express their distinctive style whilst fulfilling the necessities of their riding lifestyle. Our range is a tribute to the collective, symbolising our dedication to supporting riders and their enthusiasm for the open road.



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