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Victorian × Kink shooting days in a luxury antique location (Antwerpen)

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Victorian × Kink shooting days in a luxury antique location (Antwerpen) / Models Bo Ackaert, Models Christall, Models Regina Piil / Uploaded 1st February 2024 @ 12:06 PM

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Added 1706789207 by Christall.

Dear photographers ,

27 (open for bookings) and 28.04.2024 (sold out) I invite you to participate in the shooting day in an outstanding luxury antique location (Antwerpen). It is a 1-1 shooting day in a 3-room Master Suite with available daylight.

The models are: @christall , Danish redhead beauty @reginapiil , and an awesome blonde @boackaert will join us on 27.04. You can choose from 1h to multiple-hour slots to work with each model. There will be only 2 model+photographer teams on the location, so no crowd. Bookings are available from 12.30 to 19.00.

What is included:

- Luxury location with 3 rooms and a big photogenic bathroom with available daylight. Perfect to shoot from fashion to high-quality art nude.

- Latex outfits, kink accessories, Victorian accessories (corsets, crinolines), classical luxury lingerie, and heels will be present on a set. You can also choose another style. Just let me know in advance, and I will bring it.

- 3 very experienced international models.