Chris Cross Photography


Photographer / Sunderland, United Kingdom. (Map)

Joined 1479895374

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Shoots styles

Alternative, Beauty, Commercial, Dance, Fashion, Fetish, Fitness, Landscape, Lifestyle, Portrait, Promotional and Swimwear



I am an independent photographer mainly shooting portraits either in studio or out & about.
I have shot a wide range of genres from landscapes to corporate images however i really enjoy the portrait or people photography.
It's always different even with the same person, the 'Art' is getting 'that look' from a specific person, not everyone can do that. 

I am currently venturing into wedding photography and would like to develop that area too.

I am looking for confident models that may or may not have experience but would enjoy building up their portfolio as i am myself.

MUAs are also very important as i would like to craft some more extreme make-up styles.
If you are a creative MUA then why not contact me?

I work with a 'trade-for' arrangement and rapport building session, please get in touch if interested in any further collaboration.

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