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References for BehindTheLense61

BehindTheLense61 has 3 references; 3 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Jayne Hussey

Ian was amazing to work with. Pre shoot communications were excellent and he made me feel at ease throughout the shoot. I had a fun time and I'd definitely be working with him again! 100% would recommend.

Shot 1725184800
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Fantastic second shoot with Ian

Pre coms were on point

Ian had great outfit ideas. always a pleasure to shoot with. An absolute gentleman. Looking forward to future shoots.

Highly recommended

Shot 1724598000
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Fantastic first shoot with Ian. Pre coms where on point. Ian had so many creative ideas. An absolute gentleman. Highly recommended. Looking forward to future shoots.

Shot 1722722400