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References for Bastet

Bastet has 39 references; 39 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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3 weeks of solid rain followed by two weeks of car trouble, then some late cancellations were all instantly erased from my memory the moment I had a this shoot, in which brought an end to my bad luck instantly. The location was fabulous as i enjoyed a golden sunset bathing down on the very beautiful Inna who was in a class of her own. If you get the chance to work with this lovely lady grab it with both hands and don't let go. Would love to work with her again obviously, thanks so much Richard.

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I'm really quite annoyed with myself... I've been on this site over 3 years... I live in the same town as Inna... and yet it's taken me until today to work with her!! Argh!

So today, I finally got to shoot with a model whose work I have admired since I joined. Inna is everything you would expect an experienced professional model to be! Her pre-comms were excellent, allowing us to have a really good plan of how the shoot would go; she had a lovely selection of outfits; her repertoire of poses flowed effortlessly, with no direction needed. Even in the first half of the shoot, where things were a little different from work Inna had done in the past - she threw herself into it, and if the back of the camera is anything to go by - we got some really great shots.

Couple her skills in front of the lens with a beautifully warm demeanour, oodles of natural charm and grace, and you make for a very enjoyable afternoon.

It will come as no surprise to learn that I recommend Inna whole heartedly, and can't wait for our shoot in June!

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Our Third shoot together! and once again a great pleasure to have shot with the lovely Inna, this time I suggested a fashion themed shoot at an abandoned place I know nearby, her comms leading up to the day were perfect, always replied to any questions I had. We had a wonderful few hours on the shoot, with plenty of outfit changes, and bouncing ideas between each other to create a great variety of images, Inna's posing is very strong and has a wonderful presence in front of the camera.

I really enjoy Inna's company and cant recommend her highly enough.

Until next time..

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Why did I leave it so long before having another shoot with Bast? Low health and spirits had me focused for awhile on events etc. but I now regret not having kept in touch with Bast this past year.

She is hugely but quietly competent and confident, grasping immediately the style, sense and aim of the shoot. And then happy to help with the creativity of the shoot. All helped along by her being bright and personable.

Bast has a wonderful dress sense, which suits me down to the ground when I am not doing lingerie shots.

We have already set up another session where Bast will be the model at a camera club demo I have organised. And I am sure there will be further bookings after that . Message her for your shoot now.

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Tom Morgan

Had my first shoot with Inna today, and it couldn't have gone any better - she arrived on time with perfect hair/makeup, posed very naturally by herself and took what little direction I gave her very well.

On top of being a great model, she is also very friendly and easy to talk to.

I would highly recommend Inna to anyone!

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I had two shoots with Inna this week, starting with a 1 to 1 'get to know you session' before introducing Inna to a small group from the local camera club a couple of days later. We had been messaging for a few months about this, but for various reasons unable to get a shoot together before.

I had been at great pains to convince her that the retro nylons, pin up etc stuff on much of my port was not what we would be doing, (Inna is clearly a clothed / fashion model). Nevertheless I get concerned when the model is concerned - and mutual apprehension does not bode well for a good shoot. However Inna defused things by 'loving' a few of my raunchier shots and obviously read my refs of gentlemanly conduct and happily let me drive her to first a small enthusiasts' studio and then a large commercial studio.

But nothing prepared me for how good Inna is! Enthusiastic, yet cool, calm and collected; beautiful yet demure; professional yet friendly, chatty, engaging & never aloof; making each outfit sing for its supper, whether casual or formal; hard working yet never appearing rushed ; poses and expressions a-plenty yet able to interpet a mix of the second studio owner's overall themes with each photographers' ideas.

Several of the photographers were quite new to studio work & models like Inna, whose port shows she has worked with some class acts, but Inna made all feel like David Bailey.

Needless to say, but I am saying it all the same , they want Inna back. So do I , but just for myself again .

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Our second shoot today! It was about this time last year I first shot with Inna when I'd moved to Cheltenham, it was great to get back shooting with her, I got in touch with an idea for a urban/city shoot which she agreed to do. As before Inna's communications were spot on.

We had a lovely time shooting in and around the docks, and completed the shoot with some night shots too.

I cant recommend Inna highly enough, so pleased she's local to me, and we have already discussed other shoot ideas :)

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I've recently moved to Cheltenham so was keen to explore the area, and meet new models etc. I got in touch with Inna asking if she knew of any good locations, and if she'd be up for a shoot with me. I picked Inna up and we headed to a place she's shot at before which is great for sunsets too. Unfortunately the sunset was a no show, but we still managed to bag a few hours shooting, Inna brought a few lovely outfits and was a joy to shoot with,very friendly and chatty, her posing was natural and she didn't need any direction for the types of shots I was after.

I would highly recommend Inna to anyone.

Cant wait for our next shoot which we've already discussed.

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Simon Morton

I cant recommend Inna enough, her pre shoot communications where perfect and was 100% reliable. Inna is a stunning model who is very easy to work with, I look forward to shooting together again soon.

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I had a really nice shoot with Inna today.

Despite the cold, she looked wonderful.

Inna does not need any prompting, she knows how to model naturally.

We got some really great portraits.

I will certainly work with Inna again.

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Had another great shoot with Inna , totally awesome to work with , great model , reliable , professional gorgeous ,provided a good MUA , we got some excellent images and were both happy with the results , thank you :)

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I had a really nice shoot today with Inna in Pittville park.

She is extremely good to work with, and is an excellent model.

She has a fantastic look and is wonderfully photogenic.

I would definitely work with her again and hope to soon.

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TMG said...

I had a short but productive shoot with Inna today. SHe was easy to book and on time. The shoot was more for me to re-familiarise myself with model photography after a break, but with her help I think I got some interesting and portfolio worthy images. She knows how to pose herself with minimal direction, so all in all it was time well spent for me.

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I had the pleasure of shooting with Inna today.

Despite the fact that it was a very short notice casting her pre-shoot communication was excellent.

She posed effortlessly and was able to suggest suitable locations locally to suit the brief.

Inna is easy to get on with and was a pleasure to spend time with.

I do hope to shoot again with Inna when the weather is warmer.

Yes I would recommend shooting with her, you will not be disappointed.

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I had a very pleasant shoot with Inna today.

She has a fantastic face, and a joy to photograph.

She was excellent throughout and was willing to shoot in different outfits.

The pictures we did, look wonderful.

I would easily work with Inna again. Extremely photogenic. A joy.

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Rita Dando said...

I approached Inna in the hope to work with her, i thought she had a very interesting look. I worked with Inna doing her makeup for a lingerie and fashion shoot. We did two makeup looks and several hair styles. She brought lots of clothes to shoot with and was happy to wear other outfits and accessories provided. Inna has a great face for makeup; good skin, striking features and very photogenic. She was very sweet, helpful and considerate.

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Had a brill shoot with Inna again today, really enjoyable, just a really great model to work with ,always smiling and willing to help you to get the right shots, I brought a vintage wedding dress for a shoot and I couldnt have picked a better model, I cant thank her enough and hope to work with he again soon , thank you :)

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What can I say, one of the most beautiful, friendly,warm hearted people I have ever met. A pleasure to work with, full of kind smiles and totally naturally brilliant at modelling. I will definitely work with her again , She is just a dream .... thank you :)

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Chris Scuffins said...

Inna was really hard working and had a a lot of variety in her expressions and posing. She was able to get exactly the look I was hoping for and was responsive and friendly when taking instruction. I would highly recommend Inna in the future.

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Basstetcat was awesome :) It chucked it down and it rained, we tried to get as much cover from the local trees as possible, but we eventually got rained off. The few photos we did take were excellent though, she understood that I needed to pose perfectly to get the shot on film, and had great patience :) Highly recommended!

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