Additional Information
- Part time Photographer
- More than 21 years experience
- I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
- I can work from home
- See message reply rate [?]
Shoots styles
Bondage, Cosplay, Erotic, Fashion, Fetish, Lingerie, Nude, Portrait and Topless
There's more to pictures than to words. Therefor I like you to get the impression mainly from those.
But, as you can see I'm pretty active in various genres. Some (adult style) even not shown here. If you're up for a shoot, just let me know and we'll see when and if it would work out.
Note: being open, selfconfident and having an enthusiasm towards photography is more important than experience and the number of previous shoots! That said, newcomers are welcome!
Fotos sagen mehr als Worte, daher möchte ich diese auch wirken [url removed] man sieht, bin ich recht vielfälltig unterwegs und freue mich auch immer mit neuen Models zu fotografieren.
Shootings sind regelmäßig und tlw. recht spontan in Wien möglich.
Der Erfahrungslevel des Models ist für mich meist sekundär, wichtig sind Offenheit, Selbstvertrauen und gemeinsame Begeisterung bzw. Ideen. Also gerne auch Newcomer.
AZ Fotografie has 7 followers and is following 1 person.