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References for Aaliyah Janes

Aaliyah Janes has 2 references; 2 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Tim Vickerstaff

I had the privilege of my first shoot with Aaliyah at ARB Studios. A pleasure to work worth. Punctual, polite and professional. She takes direction very well indeed and we managed some beautiful shots.

I very much look forward to working with her again, recommended!

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I worked with a weird jeans on the 21st of July 2023, for a modelling shoot for a company called PoleSoul modelling their pole-fit outfits.

Aaliyah Jones was extremely courteous and professional throughout the shoot, always willing to try different poses and positions. We ended up creating some stunning imagery, two of which can be seen on her profile.

I will definitely be doing future photo shoots with Aaliyah and look forward to working with her again.

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