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Wide angle lens for real estate work?


By Daventure, 1734522308

Hi everyone!

I know so close to Christmas but I'm just putting the question out there. I've recently taken on a Real Estate photography job and would like an alternate lens for a lighter setup. I'm currently using an R6 with a 16-35m f4 mounted on a converter.

If someone is selling something similar (14-35mm f4) to replace my setup or even a wide prime (between 14mm and 20mm) with a low f-stop to use alongside, allowing for low-lit rooms I'm all ears.

Thank you all and Merry festive holidays!!

Huw said, 1734524282

Maybe the Canon RF 16mm/2.8?  
Under £300 new.
Tiny, light - same body as the RF 50/1.8.

Better than you might expect.

Ringo said, 1734546199

You know what, for this work I would have thought an Action-cam that has still picture capability (of 24Mb or thereabouts) would be all you'd need. Images are mostly for website loading and It would do the video thing too (that I have seen done). The costs would be a fraction of a mirrorless or DSLR camera & lens setup. The low lit room thing would be the only challenge, but even hen some work very well in poor light.  

Huw said, 1734546807

We put our smallholding on the market earlier this year. 
11 acres plus an old house.

Estate agent took the main set of photos on his iPhone.
Extremely high quality result. Built in spirit level, etc.

I've owned and used a 24mm Tilt-shift for years....

Then the professional came out and shot a second set of photos on a biggish drone.
Not one of the little 250 gram ones.

99% of real estate marketing is on the internet now.

MAybe the 16mm and a light gimbal for the walk around video?