Celebrating 100 Remote Shoots


Natasha J Bella said, 1609839148

JPea said

Having shot with you to round off my year I can see why you have had 100 remote shoots.

Apart from being a brilliant model, you are well organised and so able to ensure a shoot that photographers get really good images.

Thanks for the shoot and here's to your next 100....the only thing that will stop you is a return to normal shooting.

Thank you JPea, I loved our shoot and the way you embraced it.  Your enthusiasm throughout the shoot made it fun and very encouraging.  *smiling as I type*

The big chairs are safely back in the house, no heavy lifting by me.

:) :) :)

riks_pixels said, 1610124936

Congratulations on reaching this fantastic milestone Natasha. You have done an incredible job starting & promoting remote shooting in the UK. Thank you for the mention and it’s been great to be one of the working with you at the start of it all.

Thank you for getting me going on my remote shooting journey. ������❤️

Cliff Mdx said, 1610125115

Well done. Marmite ;-)

Stproc said, 1610131031

A brilliant stat from a fantastic model. ❤️

Natasha J Bella said, 1610182419

Stproc said

A brilliant stat from a fantastic model. ❤️

Thanks so much :)

Orson Carter said, 1610184408


OK. Here goes... I've always admired your work - you always look so damn classy - but your venture into remote shooting has turned my admiration level up to 11. It's not just your modelling skills or your tech skills. It's also your initiative and your positivity. When the first lockdown was introduced last year a lot of folk - models and photographers - were resigned to putting their shoot activities (and, in many cases, their entire lives) on hold, but you had the initiative and the know-how to find a way around it. With all due respect to the other folk who are now doing remote shoots, I think it's you who is regarded as The Guv'nor of this style. Also, you've maintained your usual high quality of work. It's bl**dy impressive. 

I know. I know. That might come across as a load of fawning and general smarminess. But my comments are 100% genuine.

[Note to self... Don't be so complimentary to people on line. It's out of character with the customary Old Mr.Grumpy persona. Oops!]  

ADWsPhotos said, 1610187168

Orson Carter < wot he said!!! And good luck with the new Facebook group

Natasha J Bella said, 1610215295

Thank you so much Orson Carter .  That really means so much to me.  Sometimes, sadly, it's the negative stuff that we hear loud and clear, and learn to shake it off, right.  So, I truly appreciate the generosity in your message.  It reminds me that there has been support and encouragement all along, thank you for that.

We have a growing community of remote shooters on Facebook, there are so many models and photographers involved now, it's so inspiring. 


Orson Carter said, 1610215486

Natasha J Bella said

Thank you so much Orson Carter .  That really means so much to me.  

I've got a GCSE in smarminess. :) :) :) 

Natasha J Bella said, 1610215563

ADWsPhotos said

Orson Carter < wot he said!!! And good luck with the new Facebook group

We have an evergrowing community of models and photographers who do remote shoots, it's so inspiring. 
