Remote Shoots - How’s and Whys?


ADWsPhotos said, 1593519335

MichiVienna said, 1593536780

ADWsPhotos said

If it helps anyone here are some examples of what Natasha and I have created remotely

It relies heavily on the skill and knowledge of the model who basically has to do everything other that control the camera. This includes positioning of the camera, lighting, props, changing lenses if necessary. It also relies on the communication skills of the photographer to verbally direct proceedings. I’ve done other shoots with setups similar to Natasha’s

But also with far less sophisticated setups. These were taken using 2 phones!

Apologies the links haven’t worked - I’ve never managed to get a link work from my phone

Edited by ADWsPhotos

hi, referring  to "this includes ..." there seem to be too much problems to do an awesome shoot. next, is there a list of eos cameras compatible with these softwares ? if so, where to find ? may be some models will be interested in somewhat like test shoots for getting some own examples. thanks ..  

ADWsPhotos said, 1593542949

Foto Michi hi, thanks for the question. In terms of the compatible cameras, I assume you realise that it’s the camera the model has that’s relevant? So if her camera isn’t compatible, that’s ‘game over’??? Any other cameras are irrelevant.

I’m not sure what your second point is? Maybe it means that you’re concerned that the model might use the images? If so, then I suggest you have a clear understanding of what the model may, and may not, do with the images from the shoot. I’ve never had an isssue, but that doesn’t mean you will not. Get this clear

MichiVienna said, 1593548489

ADWsPhotos said

Foto Michi hi, thanks for the question. In terms of the compatible cameras, I assume you realise that it’s the camera the model has that’s relevant? So if her camera isn’t compatible, that’s ‘game over’??? Any other cameras are irrelevant.

I’m not sure what your second point is? Maybe it means that you’re concerned that the model might use the images? If so, then I suggest you have a clear understanding of what the model may, and may not, do with the images from the shoot. I’ve never had an isssue, but that doesn’t mean you will not. Get this clear

hi, cause compatible cameras: camera needed  working like mine. model may tell me which one her own doing asking for. cause second point: will have a look at the actual casting settings and come back for answering in detail. thanks ...   

MichiVienna said, 1593548874

ADWsPhotos said

Foto Michi hi, thanks for the question. In terms of the compatible cameras, I assume you realise that it’s the camera the model has that’s relevant? So if her camera isn’t compatible, that’s ‘game over’??? Any other cameras are irrelevant.

I’m not sure what your second point is? Maybe it means that you’re concerned that the model might use the images? If so, then I suggest you have a clear understanding of what the model may, and may not, do with the images from the shoot. I’ve never had an isssue, but that doesn’t mean you will not. Get this clear

hi again, sorry at pp castings there no option "test shoot". sometimes photgraphers wish to do test shoots to get know of actual model's performance. in my case, test shoot to test some setup conditions before really shoots. whether a model is interested in such images or not, cannot state. thanks

Tamsin Ashton said, 1610973470


I have been exploring the options and wondering if I could work from home. From what I understand from this thread I'd need a camera that I could connect to my computer (or possibly phone). I have an old digital camera, I don't think that it would connect like that. Is this a normal thing that cameras can do now, or would I have to look for something specific? What sort of price range of camera would I be looking at? I wouldn't want to get one that wasn't up to the task.

I would need to connect the camera to my computer. Is it possible to connect it to my phone, or use a bluetooth thing to connect to my computer? I don't have a laptop, running a cable to my computer could be difficult. What sort of cable would I need and how long do they come?

I'd need some sort of software. Can everyone use the same programs? Does the software cost or need a subscription?

Does this mean that the camera will also function as a webcam? I may want a way to continue life modelling or teach yoga.

Are most photographers happy to be sent the pictures by drop box after the shoot?

I'm sure that there are a lot of things I need to figure out.