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Me please, returning after a long break.

Rebecca Kay

By Rebecca Kay, 1708551653

Good evening all,

Just would like some constructive help really.

Want to return to modelling after a long break (COVID and poor health).

Just wondering how my profile looks to a photographer really?

Is there anything I need to add, any reasons why you wouldn't want to book me?

Also posted by Rebecca Kay in this group

Another review please...Last post by Rebecca Kay 1713816895

KernowPhoto said, 1708555469

Please don't take this the wrong way but I don't think the selfie and the one in the car showroom do you justice. You are much better than the photos suggest!
Maybe have some TFP work done with a local photographer to provide some good up-to-date images that show you at your best. I'd offer, but I'm a bit too far away.

FiL said, 1708556041

I applaud the honesty and pragmatism of your notes, and for that reason I would probably work with you. 'Probably' only because I much prefer working with models who have a clear and well-thought-out idea of what they would like to shoot for their portfolio, rather than any wishy-washiness.

Good luck :)

TheChrisS said, 1708556149

The two newest photos are there only to emphasise Becca's weight loss from her profile notes. She's also already stated she's looking for TF work.

I think Becca is going to attract a lot of photographers :)

parkway said, 1708561770

I would be happy to see a few more up to date selfies. they hint at your personality and what you look like now, which a photographer will want to see. they don't have to be works of art. im amazed how you look now to be honest. i am probably too far to do a shoot but even with just those 2 selfies its enough to grab my attention. I like the portfolio notes. fairly brief and to the point with no waffle! Good luck, I hope you get some shoots X

B17fan said, 1708564007

Notes are great & concise & your new images show your current look.

I'd be happy to work with you if I wasn't at the other end of the country.

Welcome back & good luck.

Rebecca Kay said, 1708581582


hello, thank you for the input, they are literally only there because I have lost 9st recently so wanted to make sure I had some recent pictures there.

Rebecca Kay said, 1708581626


Thank you I shall get that sorted, do you think more face or?

Rebecca Kay said, 1708581667


Ah thank you that's such a lovely comment and good to know. I'm used to being in Essex and there seems much more photographers down south!

Rebecca Kay said, 1708581724


Thank you for the honest reply. I'm still finding my feet so I don't really know! 😊

Rebecca Kay said, 1708581749


Thank you so much 😊

parkway said, 1708583757

b3cca you've already got some good face shots on your portfolio so probably don't need to add more. have you thought about putting up a casting call? that might get you some shoots.

Rebecca Kay said, 1708584554


I actually hadn't thought of that. I will try that, thank you.

TheChrisS said, 1708589564

b3cca you're welcome! Unfortunately where you are is a little far for me, but if you're ever in the Cambs area at any point, would love the opportunity to work with you :)

Orson Carter said, 1708590664

parkway said

I would be happy to see a few more up to date selfies. they hint at your personality and what you look like now, which a photographer will want to see. they don't have to be works of art. im amazed how you look now to be honest. i am probably too far to do a shoot but even with just those 2 selfies its enough to grab my attention. I like the portfolio notes. fairly brief and to the point with no waffle! Good luck, I hope you get some shoots X

^ My thoughts exactly - especially the bit in bold. 

Becca - welcome back! 

Rebecca Kay said, 1708810741

I just uploaded some more selfies/recent pictures. Thanks for the help everyone I really appreciate it.