Portfolio Review
This group is owned by PurpleBot and was created 1331379436. It is open to the public and currently has 76068 members.
Use this group to ask for constructive critique for improving your portfolio. You can ask for feedback on your entire portfolio as a whole or specific aspects of your portfolio (such as image sets by adding those images to your post, all of your portfolio images, or your portfolio notes).
If you want feedback on a single image, use our Single Image Critique group instead.
When you create a post:
- Be clear about what you want feedback on. Explain this explicitly so there's no doubt about what you wish to be critiqued.
- Avoid getting defensive. Even if you hear something (constructive) that you don't like, take the feedback on board (it doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with it).
- Thank those who give you feedback. Always be grateful to those who take the time to reply and help you.
- Ask for clarification or explanations of feedback if you need to.
When you reply to someone's post:
- Provide constructive critique. Include a reason (for the critique) and a suggestion for improvement (even better if you can also add something you like about what has been asked for).
- Be considerate. Remember, it takes courage to ask for feedback. Someone asking for critique allows themselves to be vulnerable and wants to grow.
- Only give feedback when you have been asked. Ensure your feedback is based on what is presented (not something else).
- Be specific in your feedback. Give some direction, specific tips or pointers so they can implement your suggestion.
- Your feedback should help (not put someone down). Don't be personal. State what you don't like about what has been asked for and how that aspect can be improved. Simply blurting out negatives about an image isn't helpful.
- Do not critique another member's feedback. If you believe a reply has broken our rules, please create a support ticket and report it to us.
- Take it easy with new members. They didn't join and post in this group to be taken down a peg or two!
The advice in this short guide will help you get the most out of this group, including an explanation of constructive critique and tips for giving and receiving good-quality feedback. In short, be constructive and courteous; this is not an opportunity to attack anyone.