Modelling wellness and awareness
This group is owned by Rachael Noton and was created 1619554088. It is open to the public and currently has 8 members.
Hey girls and boys,
I'm a model wellness coach and would like to help you engage with your inner wellbeing just as much as your over all looks.
If you have something you'd like to talk about in this area then please do feel free to release.
Your mental health is important, and I know sometimes we look in the mirror and feel down about what we see, or we are constantly changing the way we look because we are not happy with ourselves. Ever changing models is easy for the industry but what about those who are willing to do all that you can to stay in the industry?
I want this group to help models understand eachother without competing.
I want us to build eachother up and say strong important things to one and other.
Be completely real with the way you are feeling, and turn up to say something beautiful to another.
Don't let ego put you down.