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This Image Is In The Queue

Mercia Storm

By Mercia Storm, 1701711065

Hi all

I currently have an image that when I go to edit it, informs me is in the queue to become an FPI, except it's been as this for about a week now... is this the norm? I don't think I've noticed this before back when I had my old account and had several of the pies!

Thanks in advance

Mercia ♥

Also posted by Mercia Storm in this group

Thank for the pieLast post by Mercia Storm 1713282931
A chilly thank you!Last post by Mercia Storm 1690838170

Starglider Photography said, 1701711296

Yes, it is.

CalmNudes said, 1701712469

Someone wiser will confirm but there is a minimum time of about a week, and if very few elves vote for or against it can be longer. If you or someone you have tagged has recently had an FPI that can add a day or two too. And then the number of FPIs waiting to go up varies depending on how busy the elves are 

Gothic Image said, 1701713004

I've just had one that took three months, although I don't know when it actually entered the queue.

Tabitha Boydell said, 1701713467

Gothic Image said

I've just had one that took three months, although I don't know when it actually entered the queue.

I had one that took 11 months

Mercia Storm said, 1701715555

Tabitha Boydell said

Gothic Image said

I've just had one that took three months, although I don't know when it actually entered the queue.

I had one that took 11 months

I'll get the kettle on then XD

HotFridgePhotos said, 1701716379

There is a one week wait, yes, Russ confirmed this not very long ago on another thread, exactly the same as this one.