By Say Something, 1480120921
I was commenting in a formum when it hit me that today I got my fifth FPI where the subject matter was a dude not doing much... none of them are Alpha Males drinking, screwing or killing... one is of a guy in a parka, two of a guy who was adement of not wearing his shirt in the shoot ;), a guy dressed as a priest waiting for the Second Coming and a 62 year old man with a hat on...
Now, all the Alpha Make stuff is cool beyond words but just wanted to thank the elves for these. It was really cool working with these guys and just doing 'normal' stuff where a dude could just be a dude. There is a ton of talent on this place and look forward to keep building out my side stuff in 2017.
Also, was curious who has the most FPIs with different male models. Is four different models up there with the leaders or is it kind of common? Here are mine. Feel free to post yours here as well. It would be cool to see all the diversity.
Regardless, thanks elves for the FPI. It has encouraged me to keep shooting male models and it will be cool to see where this goes. :)
Here are the ones which rolled through in 2016 for me.. be sure to post your dude FPIs regardless of genre or theme. :)