Welcome to the photo editing group. Please introduce yourselves here.


joolz said, 1438819470

Hi, I'm Joolz

Ive tinkered about with Lightroom and Photoshop for quite a few years, nothing spectacular and forget more than I learn. I'm hoping for good things from this group and maybe able to give some advice once in a while.

MidgePhoto said, 1445621887


I'm Adrian, and I use Open Source software.

So the Gimp mostly, Lightzone RawTherapee, DarkTable, I'm having a look at Fotoxx and when I want to do a panorama I use Hugin.  And for bulk processing of many many pictures, ImageMagick from the command line.


GeeDee said, 1447581517

Graham, from the outskirts of Lincoln.  

Hi all, just joined this group - absolutely delighted when I found it!  Looking forward to learning and sharing, especially some effects and tricks in PS CC.  I also use the Nik software collection and Photomatix Pro 5.  The PP site overall is by far the most useful I have found after starting portrait/model photography some months ago.  Fantastic community of models and photographers giving endless inspiration.

Martin Q said, 1449230813

Hi,the name is Martin...and I hate editing!....OK now that out in the open,in realise I need to vastly improve my skills in this area,this could well be the place to start.

I recently took the plunge with CC and am finding it a HUGE learning curve!.

I think my biggest hurdle is techniques like layering,HDR, etc,anything were more than one image is combined to produce another...I see myself as a photographer,not an image manipulator...

Help me see into  the Dark Side !!

Edited by Martin Quadling

seancahill said, 1449697342

Hi I'm Sean, I'm from Ireland and I'm shy 

ArtRowe said, 1449834811

Hi, Chris here, interested in headshot/portraits and actors' headshots. What makes a "professional" headshot? I have GIMP.

Steve Stenson said, 1455017348

Hi Steve here, I'm based in Harrogate and last year opened a studio that I predominately hire out but I am doing more and more in there myself so the need to improve my editing skills is increasing, previously I have always done minor edits but I'm finding myself looking for alternative ideas so my journey into being more creative in photoshop is beginning.

4thirds72 said, 1463685236



Just started taking photos seriously this year, got the hang of using Lightroom, but feel intimidated by Photoshop, I know how powerfull it is but feel overwhelmed by all of its features,

Bas said, 1469477781

Hi I am Bas.

I use the Photoshop CC suite. and have taken on-line courses in photoshop and lightroom. I really only need to acquire some talent, but they did not have a course for that.


Edited by Bas

Nicole Rayner said, 1473120074

hello! my name is nicole! 22year old model based in York. Fearless. Blonde. Gravity defying breasts.

Ben Moorhouse said, 1477469822

Hi. I'm Ben, 32 years old and have been on PP for just over a month now. I've used Lightroom for quite a while and am now venturing into more creative Photoshop usage

Heckklr said, 1477471630

I'm Rich - ive probably already introduced myself. I hate editing 

Phillip Palmer said, 1477649101

Hi. I'm Phillip and just got accepted to PP yesterday. I use corel paintshop pro X8 for my editing. I'm the opposite of Rich.S and Nicole above, ie I love editing and my breasts obey the laws of gravity!

Buddygb said, 1477649908


I'm Bud and I'm a retoucher. It's been 6 months and 4 days since I last touched the liquify button. I can't say it's been easy and I miss it but one day at a time, one day at a time...


I'm currently researching ways of adding clone, liquify, undo and delete buttons into my real life.


mph said, 1477664063

I'm Paul and I edit - though no way an expert. I keep wanting to edit live TV With Photoshop!