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Poll: how much do you spend on a weekly food shop?


Kirk Schwarz

By Kirk Schwarz, 1680552633

Just curious, after stirring up some controversy in my last post.

Tell me how many people are in your family and how much a week you spend on food (shopping and takeaway separately)

Kenoports said, 1680552997

You selling this data you're collecting somewhere? 👀

Mercia Storm said, 1680553103

4.5 in the family (only have my step daughter at weekends) and our weekly food shop is £40. That's including breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Unfocussed Mike said, 1680555255

I think it's important to distinguish between "weekly food shop" and "total food cost" because they aren't the same of course. For a lot of people some of the money is in (possibly unmonitored) expenditure when at work or out or just not at home.

I spend, in total food cost, on everything I consume (and some of my domestic non-food items that are on the same bill -- all the loo roll, toothpaste, cleaning stuff), more than £35 and less than £40 a week for just me. 

I can probably shave about £5 off that when I am functioning a bit better. Which I rarely am.

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

playwithlight said, 1680555454

Most of the week it's just my wife & I. At weekends we often have our daughter over and our shopping bills for the whole week are around £ 75-80 per week. Simply don't know how you can do it for £ 40 for 4.5 as we do half our shop at Lidl or Aldi. 

Stu H said, 1680555894

Family of 5, between £75 and £90 a week.
Can vary a bit as we sit down at weekend and plot a menu for the week. This helps as it means you are  buying stuff that you *need* to buy, rather than just on the off-chance you might need it.

Hattie Grace said, 1680555982

I shop mainly in Aldi or Tesco for me and my son and I usually spend around £70 a week (this includes toiletries & luxuries) :)

WJM Photography & Videography said, 1680556399

Average is between £70 and £100 per week and significantly more when the children and grandchildren arrive.

Mercia Storm said, 1680557650

playwithlight we shop at Aldi. Our total shop will be about £50 including things like toilet rolls, nappies, wet wipes etc. Our meals usually serve us two nights or at least for lunch the next day. At the beginning of the year our local Aldi had 1.5kg joints of pork 75% off (they were about £5 gull price) so we got three of them and still have one in the freezer. We had a roast dinner with one half one night and then a casserole with the leftovers the next night. We make our own pasta/casserole/gravy sauces so they work out maybe 40p a full meal instead of the 70p-90p jars and then a whole bag of pasta being 90p too, that's 4 people fed for £1.30 and a portion left over for lunch the next day or to pop in the freezer. We get a bag or two of frozen chips and nuggets to have one or two nights a week and a frozen pizza. We've just always had that budget and sometimes yes we go over it when things like the snack cupboard are going dangerously low (got to have my chocolate digestives and heaven help me if the kids don't have their Mini Rolls) but it's not that often. I've always been a "open the cupboards and make a meal out of whatevers in there" kind of person so a £40 food shop each week is plenty

Mercia Storm said, 1680557661

Sorry that was an essay 🤣

playwithlight said, 1680557827

Storm Rose said

Sorry that was an essay 🤣

No worries. Hats off to you your proof it can be done. 

Jerome Razoir said, 1680557957

A vital part of the trick of keeping food costs down, is knowing what you can prepare from raw ingredients, more cheaply than buying pre-made.

The more you prepare from fresh, the more you need purchases that are not repeated every week.
Like flour, spices, stock cubes etc.

It could cost a fortune to stock a completely empty cupboard with herbs and spices etc. that may last for months.
Probably most people acquire those kind of ingredients over a period of time and then occasional replacements will balance out to give a fairly steady weekly average.

One thing that strikes me is how hard it is for single people to feed themselves inexpensively.
Much supermarket saving is based on multi-buying. So a single pork chop will not be a tenth of the cost of a ten pack.

Of course, you can make the saving but then have the potential to lose it (and more) by running a freezer to stop you from having to throw some away.

I actually spend nothing because SWMBO does the shopping and I keep out of the way, if I value my testicles!

Mercia Storm said, 1680559510

Jerome Razoir this! Half my cupboards are spices and herbs, stock cubes, things to make sauces. They're expensive in the short term but I buy one jar and it lasts ages. I always have flour in the cupboard to make Yorkshire puddings for a roast dinner because flour is what, 60p from Aldi? And then an egg or two depending on how many I'm making and milk which I've always got so that'll cost maybe in total 40p for 6 decent sized Yorkshire puddings for the cost of eggs, flour and milk divided up. I had to buy frozen ones the other week from the little Tesco Express and the cheapest I could find were Aunt Bessys at £2.10!!

Deano! said, 1680560497

Just me and around 30-40 most weeks from Sainsbury's.

TheFuntographer said, 1680562651

3 people - something like 50-60 a week (spread across various supermarkets). The only pre-prepared foodstuff we buy is pizzas - rest is generally made from base ingredients (not pasta though). 

PixelSensation said, 1680577876

Me and 18 year old son.

Probably about £60 on food / toiletries per week.

Probably add about £200 per week on alcohol due to spending so much on food!