How to make a fool of yourself - Andrew Tate vs Greta


Huw said, 1672505198

Greta has done more than anybody to raise awareness of climate change.

Saying she’s just a talking head is just like saying Nelson Mandela was just an attention seeking talking head.

Edited by Huw

OriginalSin said, 1672505821

Mandela was locked in prison for 27 years and became the first SA president, effectively ending minority white dominance in his homeland. Greta is a quirky social commentator. Definitely not comparable in my view, but you are entitled to put her up on a pedestal if you want.

Huw said, 1672514825

Presumably not a fan of Meghan Markle either then?

Barney57 said, 1672516032

Huw said

Presumably not a fan of Meghan Markle either then?

WTF has she got to do with this discussion! 

Greta Thunberg has very effectively used social media to highlight environmental issues and get to share time with many world leaders. That mzy or may not have more to do with poltical posturing than actual commitment to action, who knows.

However, she hasn’t actually achieved any firm action to reverse damage done to our climate. The COP conferences have been underwhelming for a number of years now.

However if she uses her influence to effectively eliminate any inluence that the reprehensible Andrew Tate may have, that has to be a very good thing.

OriginalSin said, 1672518485

Huw said

Presumably not a fan of Meghan Markle either then?

Was she the German Chancellor? 😂😂😂

Parkstone Photography said, 1672525087

That email address is priceless... 🤣🤣🤣

BC2024 said, 1672722768

OriginalSin said

Both are drama queens whose existences are irrelevant to anything in the real world. I don’t care about either of them or their childish attention seeking social media antics! 


Timmee said, 1672736591

Andrew T:   “Respect the C**K. Tame the C**T!”

Greta:        “How Dare You!”

(PS. If you haven’t seen it, then do check out Tom Cruise’s stellar performance as an angry & ultra macho dating guru in the film ‘Magnolia’. Not a feel-good movie. I’d describe ‘Magnolia’ as like ‘Short Cuts’, but grimmer.)

Edited by Timmee

Unfocussed Mike said, 1672740075

Timmee said

(PS. If you haven’t seen it, then do check out Tom Cruise’s stellar performance as an angry & ultra macho dating guru in the film ‘Magnolia’. Not a feel-good movie. I’d describe ‘Magnolia’ as like ‘Short Cuts’, but grimmer.)

Magnolia is what I would call a terribly good movie. One of a handful of movies so utterly emotionally devastating you could be forgiven for not being sure you would sit down to watch it deliberately; have to let it sneak up on you.* And not only is seemingly almost everyone talented in Hollywood at the time in the film, they basically all turn in emotional performances so terrifyingly good that they are definitive. And then there is the thing he does with music in the middle of the film that I don't want to spoil.

It might indeed help provoke questions about why Andrew Tate is the way he is, if he's telling even a shred of truth about his relationship with his father. 

I mean, he's a world-class misogynist, he's a multi-level-marketing and crypto grifter, a sort of prototype incel cult leader, a pathological liar, a narcissist, and an all-round awful person, but then... when you look at that absolutely miserably pathetic, self-owning, delusional reply video what else do you see? A truly shallow, terrified little man with early-years developmental issues. (And that's before we get onto his very obvious projection behaviours: he's practically Roy Cohn or R Kelly on that score. I'd argue that no comfortably heterosexual man ever feels the need to be that homophobic or to so loudly and comically demonstrate his dominance over women. He is full of sad, wholly unnecessary self-loathing.)

I strongly suspect this guy's early relationship with his father was a complete mess. I'd feel some pity for him if he hadn't spent such energy on admitting details of the very things he's been accused of. 

* I once had a list of 21 films you should watch whenever they are on the telly, in the hope that the next day, someone else had done the same and you could talk about it. Quite an eclectic random list; Magnolia was on it. 

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

-sp●●n- said, 1672741714

>feels the need to be that homophobic or to so loudly and comically demonstrate his dominance over women

Often those who are the loudest homophobes are actually suppressed gay people, might also explain his misogyny. 

Unfocussed Mike said, 1672742457

-sp●●n- said

>feels the need to be that homophobic or to so loudly and comically demonstrate his dominance over women

Often those who are the loudest homophobes are actually suppressed gay people, might also explain his misogyny. 

One way or another he absolutely appears to be projecting an awful lot of self-loathing, and his anger is extremely sex-and-gender-oriented, isn't it. 

Like I say -- it's so obvious there is childhood trauma there. Like with Trump and Musk. Bad dads and indifferent mothers.