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Really struggling mentally with the lack of shoots and not seeing my friends...


Really struggling mentally with the lack of shoots and not seeing my friends...I go for 2 walks a day but that is not enough...tell me how the virus is affecting you...

Mr Dave said, 1604995074

I normally live on my own with my dogs but I've got it sorted for this lockdown as I've got a PP model living with me - at least till Christmas ... 

BLA@K said, 1604995207

The Virus hasn't affected me at all I am a solitary loner and work alone 99% of the time I suffer with major depression without the help of Mr Corona the lack of money to pay for shoots is the only thing that is getting to me photographically speaking but I can see where you are coming from if I ever get good enough I would shoot TFP whenever I could ,next stage try to learn to edit for me :)

Cliff Mdx said, 1604995384

You are one of many.  I live in a lovely place, can still lay out in the sun on the balcony of my apartment in mid November, but life is dull.  Models can't travel from other countries (I had cancellations from UK, Portugal, France, Holland, India and Australia this summer) and Andalusian culture (not to mention Covid) makes getting models here very difficult (though I have a couple lined up, virus permitting.  The biggest deal is that people are afraid so communication is hard.  I have a lovely neighbour who is a talented artist: We have worked together in the past but she has health problems already so I haven't seen her for weeks :-(

Cliff Mdx said, 1604995550

londonjohn said

 if I ever get good enough I would shoot TFP whenever I could 

Surely models would work TFP with you now (well, now if the virus allows) .... especially new models wanting to build a portfolio

BLA@K said, 1604995721

Cliff Mdx sadly it seems only money makes me viable always got my mannequin :)

Synergy Photoworks said, 1604995968

I was coping OK mentally until a couple of weeks ago but increasingly I’m thinking ‘I’m not OK’. Mostly I can shake it off and plod on with life such as it is at the moment, occasionally less so. I have plenty of ‘contacts’ but no one I can really just chat freely with one to one in confidence.

Brian Lewicki said, 1604996923

Routine is the key, take chunks of the day and fill them with something. When you consider I'm up any time in the morning from 3am or thereabouts it's neccessary to fill those hours. Yes, I miss my photography but I spend a good while on my PC and try to learn a little something that might enhance it. I am a house husband so from around 3pm my focus is preparation of a meal for when my wife comes home, intersperse that with radio through the day and favourite programmes my day is filled, off to the supermarket in a little while as the freezer is low.

Dave Lynes said, 1604997112

People who I classed as friends have become rather reclusive and tend to keep themselves to themselves, more so this time round. I'm so lucky I've got my full time job and other hobbies to keep myself almost sane. I've been working from home since March and I've nearly adjusted, but it's the 3 dimensional part of seeing people I miss... Seeing them on a flat screen just doesn't have the same dynamic! Still... If anyone does fancy a chat, I'm here!

skycladpixie said, 1604997229

You’re not alone in feeling this way, many of us are affected like this. I’m trying to stick to some sort of routine & also making sure I get out for a walk daily. Also missing human contact. I’m in Wales & my family are in England so it’s hard. Sending lots of love your way.

Angel Black UK said, 1604997765

I'm truly sorry to those that feel deeply saddened with the current events. My messages are always open, so please feel free to message me. I'm happy to listen to a vent, or a rant or just if you want a pick me up. Please don't think you're alone. We might be strangers but its the kindness of those strangers that will get us all through these darker months :)

Cliff Mdx said, 1604998032

Angel Black UK said

I'm truly sorry to those that feel deeply saddened with the current events. My messages are always open, so please feel free to message me. I'm happy to listen to a vent, or a rant or just if you want a pick me up. Please don't think you're alone. We might be strangers but its the kindness of those strangers that will get us all through these darker months :)

Angel Black UK .... you're obviously a lovely person in every respect!

Manisha Patel said, 1604998116

I know the darkness of it but anyone feels they need a chat or anything I'm usually free for a quick catch up just pop in and say hi :)

ClickMore 📷 said, 1604998257

As I posted in another discussion.

During the first lockdown I set myself small tasks every day rather than doing everything in one day. So I will be applying it this time. Today, clean kitchen. Tomorrow vacuum downstairs. Thurs dust surfaces etc. Writing helps. If you have fears and concerns write about them. You can screw the paper up and throw it in the bin or keep it. This is up to you. Write about positive things too. Make sure you physically use pen/pencil. Give yourself new skills to learn. There are even free Photoshop style programs like Gimp you could get into. Time will pass quickly and we are nearly a quarter of the way through.

mph said, 1604998709

I’m doing OK - just conventionally pissed off about the whole situation but only in a proportionate way. Vulnerable (through age only AFAIK!)  and living quietly with my wife - and we get on very well together which is the main thing.

Steve 1 said, 1604998712

Cliff Mdx said

londonjohn said

 if I ever get good enough I would shoot TFP whenever I could 

Surely models would work TFP with you now (well, now if the virus allows) .... especially new models wanting to build a portfolio

TFP, Is hard to come by these days even with most new model's.

There's going to be a point where they price them selfs out of some of the older retired photographer's pocket.