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Perception of Gab

The theme of this thread is terrorism. That's a trigger warning. In 2018 the news discussed how a user of Gab.ai conducted an evil act of violence.

Every site has users that give it a bad name. There are people who assault their friends on TikTok. There were people eating laundry detergent capsules on Facebook. The problem with Gab is that non-members don't have a clue what people actually use it for. It's mostly used by people who violate the terms of service on Twitter so they migrated over to Gab.

I don't believe in guilt by association but my own father thinks that I'm a Nazi for taking an interest in Gab. It's a thoughtless comment but a very common perception.

I'm so sick of being asked by friends if I'm a free speech extremist.


Link to the other discussion that was wrongly suppressed by the Tyrant Overlord Lizard People who reign supreme at PP HQ: https://purpleport.com/group/onlyfans-chat/167203/perception-of-onlyfans/page/1/ 

Edited by K.M.

Arnold J. Rimmer BSC SSC said, 1589027102

How dare you criticise Gab! They aren't all Nazis. Check your facts. This is so wrong. Why do you hate me?


Arnold J. Rimmer BSC SSC said, 1589027329

Don't you know that people eating laundry detergent is all over the internet? That's old news. They have been doing it for years.

Some of it is fake too. How naive are you?

Arnold J. Rimmer BSC SSC said, 1589027767

For context Gab was shut down after all the outrage. The double standard is that Facebook and Twitter still exists despite being used by criminals every day.

I don't use Gab myself because apparently it's a cesspool but I respect their right to exist. The website seems to be back up but I can't verify it's authenticity.

Edited by K.M.

mph said, 1589031646

Never having heard of it my perception ain’t really useful...

Orson Carter said, 1589032096

K.M. said

Don't you know that people eating laundry detergent is all over the internet? That's old news. They have been doing it for years.

Maybe, but it's not necessary to persilcute them. 

Arnold J. Rimmer BSC SSC said, 1589033094

Orson Carter I needed that (y)

mph parodying my other posit aside; you should keep abreast of things like this. What the undoing of Gab demonstrated was that freedom of expression isn't protected and Microsoft can get a site shut down that has nothing to do with them over false Phishing accusations.

Jaw Imaging said, 1589033174

Zuckerberg is to social media what Melinda and Bill are to world health. 

Arnold J. Rimmer BSC SSC said, 1589034386

Mark Zuckerberg, the Lizard Man - Album on Imgur Street Fighter Vs Logo Png | Street fighter, Street fighter alpha ... Mark Zuckerberg Says He Is Not a Lizard Person | Inverse - YouTube