Gobby teenagers!


NeilWhiteley said, 1561475084

mph said

There’s one thing for sure - they are stabbing more people than they used to...

I'm not sure that's true though.

How do we know? I would imagine that in Victorian London (and before, and elsewhere) stabbings would have been common, but I am only imagining as we don't actually know. Same goes for other periods in history, including the latter parts of the last century.

We only know about now because everything is logged and reported. It wasn't always so.

Edited by NeilWhiteley

Edited by NeilWhiteley

Nick Edinburgh said, 1561475359

In a nutshell:


But Daily Mail devotees will continue to whinge, of course.

Alan Ewart said, 1561476198

IWarnerPhotography said

Mamby pamby state, a laughing stock of the world, this is what we have become. No discipline anywhere in society, a legal system that doesn't punish crime just rewards it. A government that made it totally okay for young girls to breed like rabbits and be rewarded by handouts and a roof over their head for free. Ethic groups occupying areas of cities and towns and turning them into ghettos and crime rife areas and again the government just letting this happen. So it really is no wonder whatsoever that some teenagers or even younger not having any respect for anything or anyone, respect needs to be taught from a very young age and from their elders, sadly their is no respect for anyone or anything coming from the top (government) and as the saying goes "shit rolls downhill".

Can you give me a single example of the legal system rewarding crime?

 I wait with baited breath!

Alan Ewart said, 1561476442

mph said

There’s one thing for sure - they are stabbing more people than they used to...

Are they?  I am pretty sure that the razor gangs in London, Birmingham, Glasgow etc stabbed plenty of people in their day.  The only difference is that these things are now more reported.

Simply the latest moral panic

John VonGeezer said, 1561476555

Dr Stairway said

Theres no discipline in schools or at home anymore. This is because it just isn't allowed. Teenagers are physically allowed to walk out of a classroom these days and can even refuse detention. Kids can do what they like when they like and know they can get away with it. Things will only get worse. It's a shame you've had to endure this but I do feel your pain. Teenagers are just rude and nasty to their elders these days. It goes even younger in some cases I've heard the lad living next door to us use incredibly bad language to his mother and hes about 6 years old. I fear for the way people are in this era.

I take it you don't actually know any young people except for the brat next door? 

frank1 said, 1561476896

 Shock horror some teenagers can be little tikes. Who'd have guessed.  At least it brings the shits out on here and you know who you are. 

Nick Edinburgh said, 1561476983


IWarnerPhotography said  respect needs to be taught from a very young age 

I couldn't disagree more. Respect cannot be taught; it needs to be earned.

And talking down to young people as a group so disrespectfully, inventing insulting 'facts' with no historical or sociological basis, lumping all members of the generation together as if they're all the same as badly behaved individuals, and demanding "respect" despite displaying your own overt disrespect for them is the very BEST way to lose any chance of their respecting you. Rightly so. What gross hypocrisy.

Barney57 said, 1561477135

I am reminded of the lyrics of a song by Amy McDonald, Youth of Today

And you say,

”In my day we were better behaved”

But it’s not your day no more

Dr Stairway said, 1561478145

John VonGeezer actually I have two sons lol.

World of Light said, 1561478659

Matt said

"It was never like this when I was a kid in the 70s

Let's go back to an era where a wife beaten black&blue by her husband would be told "you must have done something to upset him." To an era when racism was acceptable. When ignoring equality was the norm. When beating the shit out of someone because of their sexuality was ignored because the victim was "a poofter".

Let's go back to a time when we had to bring in legislation to ensure that a woman got the same pay as a man for the same job; to ensure that a black man got the same wage as a white man. To a time when health and safety legislation wasn't in place and employers didn't have a general legal duty of care and had staff working dangerously when not covered by specific things such as abrasive wheel regulations.

Let's go back to a time when people blamed rape victims because they "asked for it" by wearing then-current fashionable clothing instead of the men who committed the vile act.


Yes, there's a hell of a lot wrong with our modern world, but it's not as fucked up as many things in the 70s was(were?).

Not sure what version of the 70s you lived in but it certainly was not 'fucked up' where I lived...

Racism acceptable...not true at all, the school I went to bent over backwards to ensure that all pupils had the opportunities whatever their background. Just as well because the brightest kid at the time was a young man of Chinese decent whose father was a mathematician. 

Wife beaten black and blue...really? So you think that doesn't happen today even when certain communities think it is acceptable for the husband to punish the wife and show her the error of her ways. The lady across the way from us, kicked out her abusive husband in the 70s and got the house in the divorce settlement. The 70s were not barbaric in the UK despite the hostile ageist agenda of certain people today.

Discrimination, well it did exist but no any different to the rampant ageism of today that penalises the young and the over 40s.

Rape victims blamed...utter rubbish! The Cambridge rapist brought Cambridge to halt, Police were all over the place, women were being escorted around the town. The Yorkshire Ripper also had the same effect. So where is this 'rape victims blamed' culture that you are referring to? Again if you want to see 'rape culture' go out in student towns like Reading and see what happens with the girls falling down drunk. Also look at those 'communities' where the role of the wife is to be available to the husband! Women are more vulnerable and probably less likely to believed today than in the 70s.

The 70s UK was more enlightened and less self-entitled than you possibly give it credit for. Those stunning ideas you are thinking are from today were actually set out and being discussed and acted upon in the 70s and 80s.

If the current generation could achieve 50% of the positive changes of  the 1970s then perhaps they can comment but somehow the 'look at me me me' influencer generation I suspect will not cut it because all the well meaning virtue signalling in the world does not in fact achieve anything than actually making changes!

John VonGeezer said, 1561478693

Dr Stairway said

John VonGeezer actually I have two sons lol.

Me too!

I don't recognise them in your description of the youth of today, nor any youngsters I know. I contract in schools across the south of England and am seriously impressed overall by the excellence of the behaviour of the pupils compared to my own dear old alma mater back in the 70s and 80s. I have to say that I think that the kids of today are overwhelmingly better than my generation was and if anything its the baby boomers that scare me.

Golding said, 1561479618

Dr Stairway said

Theres no discipline in schools or at home anymore. This is because it just isn't allowed. Teenagers are physically allowed to walk out of a classroom these days and can even refuse detention. Kids can do what they like when they like and know they can get away with it. Things will only get worse. It's a shame you've had to endure this but I do feel your pain. Teenagers are just rude and nasty to their elders these days. It goes even younger in some cases I've heard the lad living next door to us use incredibly bad language to his mother and hes about 6 years old. I fear for the way people are in this era.


Cliff Mdx said, 1561482090

Dr Stairway said

Theres no discipline in schools or at home anymore. This is because it just isn't allowed. 1) Teenagers are physically allowed to walk out of a classroom these days and can even refuse detention. 2)  Kids can do what they like when they like and know they can get away with it. Things will only get worse. It's a shame you've had to endure this but I do feel your pain. 3)  Teenagers are just rude and nasty to their elders these days. It goes even younger in some cases I've heard the lad living next door to us use incredibly bad language to his mother and hes about 6 years old. I fear for the way people are in this era.

1)  If the teaching is any good they don't choose to.

2)  Not if they are with an adult with any discipline.

3)  Not true, even in my experience of working with some of the most 'difficult'.  Treat them with any respect and it gets returned.

So called 'responsible adults' should thing twice before blaming children for problems.  In general it was the adults who caused the behaviours the children display.

Stu H said, 1561486452

Jerome Razoir said

On a slightly different tack (because it brings in many older people) it is long overdue that cyclists were properly dealt with by the police and other relevant authorities.
It has got to the stage were some cyclists seem to believe they are immune from the law. The Road Traffic Act DOES apply to them and it is an offence to cycle on a footpath.

I hope that you are well again very soon.

while I don't defend poor cyclists - and this was someone who happened to be riding a bike rather than a cyclist - many Cheif Constables are leaving cycling on pavements to the discretion of individual officers.

This is because many roads and junctions have been poorly designed, or that the standard of driving is so poor, the pavement is the safest option.

Many forces have regular crackdowns on cyclists and their behaviour, just like they do with other motorists - in fact, nearly 520 cyclists were dealt with in one two week period in London ... as opposed to 507 drivers using their phones while driving and 559 caught driving without insurance ... in the same operation.


Matt said, 1561487494

Rick S said

Matt said

"It was never like this when I was a kid in the 70s

Let's go back to an era where a wife beaten black&blue by her husband would be told "you must have done something to upset him." To an era when racism was acceptable. When ignoring equality was the norm. When beating the shit out of someone because of their sexuality was ignored because the victim was "a poofter".

Let's go back to a time when we had to bring in legislation to ensure that a woman got the same pay as a man for the same job; to ensure that a black man got the same wage as a white man. To a time when health and safety legislation wasn't in place and employers didn't have a general legal duty of care and had staff working dangerously when not covered by specific things such as abrasive wheel regulations.

Let's go back to a time when people blamed rape victims because they "asked for it" by wearing then-current fashionable clothing instead of the men who committed the vile act.


Yes, there's a hell of a lot wrong with our modern world, but it's not as fucked up as many things in the 70s was(were?).

Not sure what version of the 70s you lived in but it certainly was not 'fucked up' where I lived...

Racism acceptable...not true at all, the school I went to bent over backwards to ensure that all pupils had the opportunities whatever their background. Just as well because the brightest kid at the time was a young man of Chinese decent whose father was a mathematician. 

Wife beaten black and blue...really? So you think that doesn't happen today even when certain communities think it is acceptable for the husband to punish the wife and show her the error of her ways. The lady across the way from us, kicked out her abusive husband in the 70s and got the house in the divorce settlement. The 70s were not barbaric in the UK despite the hostile ageist agenda of certain people today.

Discrimination, well it did exist but no any different to the rampant ageism of today that penalises the young and the over 40s.

Rape victims blamed...utter rubbish! The Cambridge rapist brought Cambridge to halt, Police were all over the place, women were being escorted around the town. The Yorkshire Ripper also had the same effect. So where is this 'rape victims blamed' culture that you are referring to? Again if you want to see 'rape culture' go out in student towns like Reading and see what happens with the girls falling down drunk. Also look at those 'communities' where the role of the wife is to be available to the husband! Women are more vulnerable and probably less likely to believed today than in the 70s.

The 70s UK was more enlightened and less self-entitled than you possibly give it credit for. Those stunning ideas you are thinking are from today were actually set out and being discussed and acted upon in the 70s and 80s.

If the current generation could achieve 50% of the positive changes of  the 1970s then perhaps they can comment but somehow the 'look at me me me' influencer generation I suspect will not cut it because all the well meaning virtue signalling in the world does not in fact achieve anything than actually making changes!

Racism *was* acceptable - we only have to look at prime time TV comedians of the 70s to see that. It wasn't acceptable to everyone, as evidenced by the school you went to (and the one I went to, too, as it happens), but it was VERY widely acceptable to the majority of people. If it was as unacceptable as you think it was, we wouldn't have had prime time TV programming that included "Till death us do part" or "love thy neighbour".

Wives being battered does still happen, but in the 70s, instead of being asked if they wanted a lift to the pollice station to give a statement, women *were* asked by the people around them what they'd done to upset their husbands. Not sure which communities you mean by your "certain communities" comment, please enlighten us. It's easy to pull up isolated incidents of a woman winning against her abusive husband, but that doesn't mean it was common.

Rampant ageism? I didn't mention that, so I'm unsure as to why you bring that up.

Rape victims were blamed. Oh yes they fucking well were. When a woman is told not to walk down certain streets, she is being blamed for the man who is a danger to her on those streets. When women are advised not to wear short skirts, it is the woman being blamed for a man who cannot control himself, not the man. When even a judge advocated leniency in sentencing sexual assault because the way a woman was dressed meant she was "asking for it", thin s are fucked up. That judge went by the name of "pickles", by the way, so you can look the prick up because you either missed it or have completely forgotten the controversy surrounding him.

Yes, we DID begin to bring in equality legislation at the start of the 70s, but it has taken a long time for the shitty attitudes of that time to die out. We have a lot to thank those pioneers of equality for, but they *were* pioneers and not the average person and it has taken a long time to get rid of the worst resistance to equality.

If we can start half as much as those pioneers of equality started, we'll be doing very well. The current generation are very capable, don't be ageist against them; they might well  surprise us all.