What are you listening to?


hyperphoto said, 1680039221


Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline

hyperphoto said, 1680039315


Helmet - Unsung

hyperphoto said, 1680040082


Soundgarden - Rusty Cage

Morph01 said, 1680048502

Weightless, an album by Marconi Union.

Oh yeah, and I add another big up for Wishbone Ash. :)



Edited by Morph01

SlashStreetPhotography said, 1680059803

Cheap Trick album

Lap Of Luxury

Jason Roy said, 1680076859

GT said

Jason Roy Big thumbs up for Wishbone Ash


Bergman Greenstreet said, 1680082435

The roar of racing cars.

parkway said, 1680140733


sub fm, on mixcloud

Igloo Photography said, 1680165933


Afrofilmviewer said, 1680172475

Vertigo - Nick Hakim

The Florist - Abby Sage

Trying to update my photo playlist.

ADWsPhotos said, 1680178771

Slow Train - Buck & Evans

hyperphoto said, 1680198979


Soundgarden - Spoonman

Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location said, 1680205977

Usually something old school like Elton John, Billy Joel, Meatloaf 😁😁

BLA@K said, 1680207330

a compilation of Nickelback and creed with a bit of limpbizkit  for good measure

john916 said, 1680207620

The Doors.

They may have already been mentioned as we're 556 pages in, no idea but still a good listen.

As an aside it was The Elgins - 'Heaven must have sent you' last night along with Judy Street - 'What' & some other classics.

 I have eclectic tastes apparently!