What are you listening to?


Unfocussed Mike said, 1664924970

Linky here too I guess. The Tourist Trap soundtrack!

🆆🅷🅸🆃🆃🅴🆁🆂 📸🌍❤️ said, 1664925533

Just bought The Pixies album after way too many years of not knowing anything about them! 👍

Unfocussed Mike said, 1665010675

The paramedic thinks I'm clever cos I play guitar /
I think she's clever cos she stops people dying

Paul Lucas Photography said, 1665011819

Bleeding the Orchid... Smashing Pumpkins....gotta love those clashing guitars.....

Unfocussed Mike said, 1665249308

BLA@K said, 1665251194


Unfocussed Mike said, 1665530434

(those of a certain age will hear this song and then immediately think of Weezer's Buddy Holly)

Unfocussed Mike said, 1665670410

Low key one of the greatest earworm songs ever made. And a brilliant, poignant video.

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

Bergman Greenstreet said, 1665672278

When I see this 10 year old thread, with its empty avatar, I often wonder what happened to Bokehlicious.

Unfocussed Mike said, 1665857416

Polly Paulusma's amazing debut album, now impossibly 18 years old... how did that happen.

Unfocussed Mike said, 1666116506

Fiona Apple - Hot Knife, from the Idler Wheel album.

Superb song... excellent Paul Thomas Anderson video with amazing lighting.

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

Unfocussed Mike said, 1666269423

Unfocussed Mike said, 1666299972

The Hold Steady's Cattle And The Creeping Things, live.


Edited by Unfocussed Mike

hyperphoto said, 1667067217


porno for pyros - pets

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hyperphoto said, 1667067256


Rage Against The Machine & Creedence Clearwater Revival - killing in a bad moon

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