What are you listening to?


hyperphoto said, 1660311918


Mall Grab - Breathing

woodwose photography said, 1660328582

Been a long time listener of classic FM but have had to stop listening because of the verbal diarrhoea from the presenters think Alexander Armstrong so have switched to Boom radio , now reliving my youth .

hyperphoto said, 1660839498


The Police - Spirits In The Material World

hyperphoto said, 1661008792


The Police - Walking On The Moon

Unfocussed Mike said, 1662310052

I am being stalked, haunted and harassed by this song lately. Which is fine:


Phosphorescent -- Song For Zula

Jerome Razoir said, 1662310967

My dog having the longest and noisiest dog drink, ever!!!

The Cherry Orchard said, 1662311146

David Sylvian - Everything And Nothing 

hyperphoto said, 1663712241


Danny Byrd - Devil's Drop

hyperphoto said, 1663790250


hyperphoto said, 1663830219


All Star Collab cover with Mikey and his Uke - Social Distortion - Bad Luck

Edited by hyperphoto

The Cherry Orchard said, 1663842095

Blonde Redhead - Golden Light

hyperphoto said, 1663862028


Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline

Danny. said, 1663862805

BBC's TMS coverage of the second Twenty20 match between Pakistan and England. Exciting stuff.

BLA@K said, 1663863818

Rather louder than usual The Prodigy =The Fat of The Land 

Ray Middleton said, 1663873330

The Ink Black Heart by Robert Galbraith