What are you listening to?


Saint said, 1365625442

Schiller, if you've never heard before then give it a try:


James K said, 1365629071

Depending on what mood I'm in, these beauties at the moment;

PJ Harvey - Oh My Lover

Adam Freeland - We Want Your Soul

Ray Bryant - Up Above The Rock


LouiseB said, 1365629159

Chapman Square by Lawson :-) best album ever!

indecisive moment said, 1365630239

The new Mudhoney album

Steve M said, 1365630330

Mystery Of Time by Avantasia

c_h_r_i_s said, 1365632244

daViD BoWIe





Numpty McPillock said, 1365634920


Not a band, actual high pitched ringing in my lugholes :(

CPPhoto said, 1365635159

Shostakovich 5th Symphony, last movement - awesome...

Avatar Photography OLD said, 1365635314

VNV Nation

Shutterbug01 said, 1365648760

The sound of my stomach as it dissolves the sleeping tablets i've just swallowed! I hate insomnia....!

Go Photo said, 1365649668

Sarah snoring...which must be sweet revenge for her ! :)

James K said, 1365698714

Serge Gainsbourg and Brigitte Bardot - Bonnie And Clyde

Memphis Jug Band - Cocaine Habit Blues


Bobby said, 1365700758

Natalie Merchant - Leave your Sleep. Gorgeous album and voice.


Sage_ said, 1365714945

Kidney thieves - spank (KMFDM)