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Just disgusting, why would you want to do this?


Colin Adams

By Colin Adams, 1500589375

Lexi Thorn said, 1500589757

Because people feel like they've accomplished something by 'hunting' an big animal, just a dick measuring contest

BLA@K said, 1500590147

I think (probably wrongly) these people that do this have such a low opinion of their own self and those around them that they get a feeling of superiority killing anything that has no chance to fight back i honestly believe these people given half a chance would kill humans as well 

Alan Ewart said, 1500590510

I don't even have to look to know the story.  Very sad, isn't it time for barbarism in the name of sport to be stopped 

Ponderance said, 1500590884

Why would you want to do it? Because Donald Trump Jr is busy so you might get there first for once.

mph said, 1500590998

Whilst finding it as unpleasant as most, this lion was killed legally and the income from hunting pays 70% of the costs of conservation and poaching control in Zimbabwe.

Nothing is simple in this world. :(

Colin Adams said, 1500591503

mph said

Whilst finding it as unpleasant as most, this lion was killed legally and the income from hunting pays 70% of the costs of conservation and poaching control in Zimbabwe.

Nothing is simple in this world. :(

I was asking why would anyone want to do this, what kind of sick f*ck pays big bucks to kill these beautiful creatures? 

mph said, 1500591704

I Colin Adams said

mph said

Whilst finding it as unpleasant as most, this lion was killed legally and the income from hunting pays 70% of the costs of conservation and poaching control in Zimbabwe.

Nothing is simple in this world. :(

I was asking why would anyone want to do this, what kind of sick f*ck pays big bucks to kill these beautiful creatures? 

And I agree - but there is a wider question which it is relevant to consider. Would it be less desirable if they weren't as attractive? 

MadDawg Photographer (CPAGB) (BPE2*)(QPSA) (AFIAP) said, 1500591723

We live in a world where there are some who don't give a flying f*ck about another life to the point where they get pleasure out of killing those who can't defend themselves.

Ponderance said, 1500591946

mph said

I Colin Adams said

mph said

Whilst finding it as unpleasant as most, this lion was killed legally and the income from hunting pays 70% of the costs of conservation and poaching control in Zimbabwe.

Nothing is simple in this world. :(

I was asking why would anyone want to do this, what kind of sick f*ck pays big bucks to kill these beautiful creatures? 

And I agree - but there is a wider question which it is relevant to consider. Would it be less desirable if they weren't as attractive? 

What about rhinos? Faces only a mother could love.

mph said, 1500592147

How about a warthog?

Ponderance said, 1500592231

mph said

How about a warthog?

Is it endangered? (the African Lion is)

Colin Adams said, 1500592577

Let's just shoot animals with our cameras?

mph said, 1500592699

Ponderance said

mph said

How about a warthog?

Is it endangered? (the African Lion is)

I doubt it - but the post was about the killing of a "beautiful" animal not an endangered one. Yes it is "at risk" - but the main threat is from hunting for bushmeat or by farmers to protect livestock.

The significant income from hunting provides for the protection of lions from these and other threats which is why it is permitted by the regulations.

My personal feelings echo these of the OP and I have nothing but contempt for hunting other than for food.

I am merely pointing out the fact that the situation is more complex than the emotional response most of us share.

Colin Adams said, 1500592885

Killing animals for fun? Makes me sick.

ClickCam said, 1500593596

I would love to have a sniper rifle and get these so called sport hunters to run across an open field and then pick them off one by one, let's see how these f****** feel about it then ..